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The Whit

The Whit

Reporter Leah Gallagher had the opportunity to meet and interview the members of Ninja Sex Party. - Staff Writer / Leah Gallagher

Living a dream: A conversation with Ninja Sex Party

Leah Gallagher April 27, 2023

It was about 11 years ago on a dark and cold night, but in a warm room in some comfy chairs during winter break. My older brother and I were sitting in our game room when he pulled up a YouTube video...

Ioannou's short film "Twisted Faith" won Best in Film at the 2022 RTF Media Fest. - Photo via Niko Ioannou

2022 RTF Media Fest winner Niko Ioannou offers advice to fellow filmmakers

Tatiana Retamar February 1, 2023

Film has always been humanity’s way of looking at life through the creative lens of filmmakers who can take one inspired idea and turn it into something impactful — beautiful and out-of-this-world. 21-year-old...

Staff writer Mya Calderon gives advice to students moving to a new state to attend a new college. - Photo via

Calderon: Midwestern City Slicker

Mya Calderon November 2, 2021

From tall bright green cornfields to dull grey pavements and blaring horns, my life changed when I decided to move away for college – 1,313.2 miles to be exact.  “What are you doing all the...

Lt. Gov. Sheila Oliver engages with the Rowan community from the comfort of her own home, discussing politics, protests and advice for women of color. - Staff Writer / Santino D'Agostino

Rowan Institute for Public Policy and Citizenship Hosts “A Conversation with NJ Lt. Gov. Sheila Oliver”

Santino J. D’Agostino March 24, 2021

On March 23, the Rowan Institute for Public Policy & Citizenship (RIPPAC) hosted a virtual conversation with New Jersey Lt. Gov. Sheila Oliver. Oliver discussed criticisms surrounding the Murphy...

A group photo of The Whit staff. A few staff members share their tips on how to approach a job or internship interview. - Multimedia Editor / Alexander Rossen

Whit Editors on Their Best Tips for Interviewing for Jobs and Internships

Mohammed Fuad November 11, 2020

Almost everyone has had a job at some point in their life. Before getting a job, there is an interview, where you try your best to give your future employer a good first impression of yourself. It's...

Dear Destiny: Concerned Corona

Dear Destiny: Concerned Corona

Destiny Hall March 30, 2020

Dear Destiny, How the %&@# do I survive the coronavirus? -Concerned Corona Dear Concerned Corona, Wash your %&@#ing hands. Good luck, Concerned Corona, I believe in you. Just kidding....

Dear Destiny: Shy Butterfly

Dear Destiny: Shy Butterfly

Destiny Hall March 8, 2020

Dear Destiny, Forgive me if this is cliche. I am a reasonably shy freshman and a commuter, and I've struggled a lot with making friends this year — more so than I thought I would. I've tried to get...

Dear Destiny: Anonymous Friend

Dear Destiny: Anonymous Friend

Destiny Hall March 1, 2020

Dear Destiny, My roommate keeps letting her toxic ex into her life. I don't dislike the guy personally, but I'm worried that she will be hurt by going back to him as often as she does — he is often...

Dear Destiny: Sustainable Gifter

Dear Destiny: Sustainable Gifter

Destiny Hall February 22, 2020

Dear Destiny, I want to show everyone in my life that I care about them, but it's financially unsustainable for me to give them everything they deserve right now. What are some nice things I can do...

Dear Destiny: A Helping Hand

Dear Destiny: A Helping Hand

Destiny Hall February 15, 2020

Dear Destiny, My boyfriend never seems to want my help. This is especially true for homework: he won't let me look at his essays or projects, and then doesn't do well. I respect his pride and desire...

Dear Destiny: Snoozy Submitter

Dear Destiny: Snoozy Submitter

Destiny Hall February 9, 2020

Dear Destiny,  I can’t get up for class for anything. I was fine last semester but I have an 8 a.m. and it sucks getting up. Any advice? -Snoozy Submitter Dear Snoozy Submitter,  I...

Dear Destiny: Dating Woes

Dear Destiny: Dating Woes

Destiny Hall February 2, 2020

Dear Destiny,  Where do I find someone to date? I’m tired of being single. – Dating Woes Dear Dating Woes,  Honey, if you find out, please tell me. I feel as though I tell my readers...

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