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Students at the International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2022. - Photo via RCHGHR

Rowan Center for the Study of the Holocaust addresses genocide awareness in panel discussion

Connor Brown April 27, 2023

Students from the Rowan Center for the Study of the Holocaust (RCHGHR) led a discussion on genocide awareness coinciding with Yom Hashoah, a day to commemorate all the victims and survivors of the Holocaust which...

Images of victims of the Holocaust hang in the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. - Photo via the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

Rossen: Observing and Reflecting on International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Alex Rossen January 22, 2021
Our cries for justice and tolerance... must be to change the hearts and minds of those who would be against us.
Facebook announced on Oct. 12 that it would ban Holocaust denial on its platform. Rossen discusses why other social media should follow suit. - Multimedia Editor / Alexander Rossen

Rossen: This is a Win in the Fight Against Online Hate Speech, but There’s Still a Long Way to go

Alex Rossen October 14, 2020

On the morning of Monday, Oct. 12, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg released a statement on his platform announcing new policies which would “prohibit any content that denies or distorts the Holocaust.”...

Students from the Jewish community gather outside the student center to light the menorah in celebration of Hanukkah. - File photo / Alex Heller

Lonsdorf: SGA Should Take Accountability for Past Negligence Toward Jewish Students

Tara Lonsdorf September 10, 2020
I believe that SGA did not intend to offend or dismiss Jewish students. However, I also believe that good intentions do not make up for harmful impacts.
Rowan students join in solidarity of the Jewish Community after the shooting in Pittsburgh in October 2018. - File Photo / Miguel Martinez

Rossen: Responding to SGA Commentary of “Does Our University Truly Respect Jewish Profs?”

Alex Rossen September 10, 2020

Editor's note: This article has been updated since it was first posted online to more accurately reflect the views and sentiments of its author. Last week I got one of the biggest opportunities of...

Rowan senior Alexander Rossen holds a Magen David necklace to honor his Jewish culture and beliefs - but does Rowan University have the same respect for religious plurality? - Photo by Brian Lawrence. Used with permission.

Rossen: Does our university truly respect Jewish Profs?

Alex Rossen September 8, 2020
We are just a fraction of the Jewish population at Rowan, and what we’ve experienced is only a fraction of what Rowan’s Jewish community as a whole has experienced. 
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