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The Whit

The Whit

The Whit

"Without really realizing it, time had gone by and I was in college. I thought that now that I’d achieved my goal of making it into college, it would be my time to have fun and relax. Unsurprisingly, the opposite happened." - Photo via Pixabay

Gambone: From all-nighter to all-right

Paul Gambone December 6, 2023

Since I first started school, I have always been told the importance of having good grades and doing good in my classes. This meant enrolling in all honors courses, which came with honors-level coursework....

 “The Whit Staff believes by having more themed dances, students will have more opportunities to socialize, exercise, and have fun.” – Photo via Rowan website

Editorial: Let’s dance!

The Whit Staff October 18, 2023

Live music, flamboyant outfits, and great food are all elements that make a great dance. After weeks of schoolwork, students are ready to decompress—either with a good show, book, or even a themed dance. Middle...

Sometimes marijuana can bring people together. Graphics Editor / Julia Quennessen

Michaels: Why I will always advocate for marijuana

Sylent Lee Michaels April 19, 2023

April 20, 2023 is upon us. My second favorite holiday of the year (right behind Halloween)! A day to celebrate a gift from our Earth that has helped so many. A day to join together with your friends. The...

A person consuming marijuana through smoke inhalation. Photo via Wikipedia Creative Commons

Harmon: Unveiling the negative effects of smoking weed

Al Harmon April 19, 2023

The topic of marijuana is a contentious one, with opinions on its use varying widely. As a 21 year old who has never smoked weed, I have observed its effects on those around me. Many of my friends and...

The Nutrition Care Club e-board and Rowan Gourmet Dining at the Project Persevere event. - Staff Writer / Maryela Gallardo

Project Persevere provides mental health awareness as finals approach

Maryela Gallardo April 12, 2023

With finals season ready to commence in just a few weeks, students’ mental health has become the main focus on campus. In order to create a more accessible environment for students who want to better...

Bhatt's new office is located at the Wellness Center on  201 Mullica Hill Rd in Glassboro. - Writer / Rashad Uhuru

Rowan SGA Introduces Student Mental Health Advocate: Riya Bhatt

Rashad Uhuru September 13, 2022

Riya Bhatt will helm initiatives to serve students in their communication with the Wellness Center - Photo via Rowan University In regards to what many consider to be a mental health crisis at Rowan...

The student-run support group "SASS" is held weekly at the Wellness Center - File photo via Amanda Palma

Wellness Center Hosts Weekly Student Support Groups

Victoria McGivern December 1, 2021

Life is a waltz of highs and lows, a waltz we often have trouble dancing to. Time to time, individuals become overwhelmed with the flood of what life has to offer.  College is another one of those...

Taryn Guettler opens up about her fears surrounding life after graduation and shares advice for students struggling to cope with the transition. - Photo via

Graduation Anxiety: Coping With Fears of the Future

Taryn Guettler April 27, 2021

“So, what’s next?” If you’re graduating at the end of the semester, that’s probably a question you’ve been asked a lot lately. If you’re like me, you know the answer is “I’m not really...

"Before ODAAT, I had never seen a TV show that covered mental health within the people of color community. Penelope Alvarez is only the second character of the same race I've seen openly discuss depression and suicide attempts." Arts & Entertainment Editor / Al Harmon.

Netflix’s loss, representation’s gain: Why “One Day at a Time” deserves a second chance

Christian A. Browne April 3, 2019

This year, Netflix canceled one of the best TV sitcoms since "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air." Similar to how "Fresh Prince" had a positive impact on black culture, "One Day at a Time" (ODAAT) showcased...

Route 55 -Multimedia Editor/Miguel Martinez

Podcasts that help provide personal insight

Sydney Kerelo February 12, 2019

In our age of anxiety, depression and the pressure of being the very best all the time, many people feel down and out about themselves. I know I've felt that many times in the past year, where I don't...

Photo courtesy of

College students’ stress and anxiety can melt away by practicing meditation

Sydney Kerelo February 6, 2019

Stress, anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive behaviors and panic attacks, all things that a college student deals with almost daily.  Some try to control those anxieties by partying or indulging...

-Photo from

Leady: Two dads

Jaryd Leady March 7, 2018

I have two dads... and no, it’s not what you may be thinking. My father suffers from bipolar disorder, along with a slew of other issues due to his bipolar disorder. When I was younger, I never totally...

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