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Saving Mothers official logo. - Photo via Saving Mothers on Facebook

Saving Mothers Club advocates for women’s health

Abigail Twiford November 15, 2023

A woman dies in childbirth or because of pregnancy complications every two minutes, according to the United Nations. Maternal mortality has been a major issue since the beginning of time but has fallen...

“I hope to see more schools incorporate training programs that focus on teaching primary care providers on how to better address mental health to their patients. A lot of doctors are unfamiliar with how to discuss mental health efficiently with their patients,” Johnson said. - Graphics Editor / Julia Quennessen

Rowan Virtua SOM receives grant to help med students provide better care to those with disabilities and LEP

Maryela Gallardo September 28, 2023

Medical students have new access to a training program that focuses on better primary care for people with intellectual and physical disabilities and those with Limited English Proficiency (LEP).  The...

Rowan's Wellness Center and REC Center collaborate with wellness initiatives. Photo via Rowan

Rowan Wellness Center and REC work together to help students thrive physically and mentally

Jared Mattio September 20, 2023

Rowan University offers a number of health and wellness programs that offer support to students and staff. In an effort to enhance these programs, the Recreation Center (REC) and the Wellness Center will...

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Ariana Blake