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The Student News Site of Rowan University

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The Whit

"Rossi called upon everyone to be more loving and mindful. The night finished with a collection for those struggling in Eastern Europe and Ukraine." - Contributor / Landen Hornstein

“To dust you shall return:” the Rowan Catholic Campus Ministry recognizes Ash Wednesday

Landen Hornstein, Contributor March 12, 2025

In elegant purple, black, and gold priestly vestments, Rev. John Rossi of St. Bridget’s University Parish, which is associated with the Rowan Catholic Campus Ministry (CCM), started his sermon with,...

Features Intern Jack Trabucco talks about differentiating art from the artist in this week's edition of "The Student Side." - Former Graphics Editor / Jana Jackstis

The Student Side: The Forgotten Importance of Self-Sacrifice

Jack Trabucco February 28, 2022

“Sacrifice; you get to pick your damn sacrifice, that’s all. You don’t get to not make one. You’re sacrificial whether you want to be or not.”  -Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, professor emeritus...

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