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The Whit

"Things we may see as simple such as starting and maintaining a conversation could be one of the most difficult things to do for those on the spectrum." - Photo via Gabriel Fogg

Fogg: Traversing college with neurodevelopmental disorders

Gabriel Fogg, Staff Writer October 30, 2024

Life as a college student is frantic. The pressure to achieve high grades, maintain a personal life, and squeeze extracurricular activities into your weeks makes it easy to fall into a funk and become...

"So 'the cure' exists only in the abstract, as a hypothetical that would manifest in the distant future, something that will likely never come to pass." - Graphic / Brendan Cohen

O’Brien: In defense of the cure

Owen O’Brien April 17, 2024

I typically find the whole idea of “awareness months” to be a bit silly. However, since April is Autism Awareness Month– the only one of these that affects me personally– it’s a good excuse...

PATH Coordinator Chiara Latimer and Whoo RU with a student. -Photo via Rowan PATH Newsletter

Autism PATH program continues paving the way for neurodivergent students at Rowan

Sarah Shockey January 31, 2024

The Autism Preparation and Achievement in the Transition to Hire (PATH) program at Rowan University is designed to help current neurodivergent students and alumni find employment post-graduation. Created...

Restore Dispensaries is just shy of a mile away from campus. -Photo via

Glassboro cannabis shop Restore Dispensary talks about cannabis cultures

Bryant Lopez April 20, 2023

Since April 21, 2022, the day cannabis was legalized in New Jersey, dispensaries have continued to dot the landscape. Restore Dispensary, a medical marijuana merchant with six locations in Pennsylvania,...

Freshman Julie Gerber discusses the important fact that "People with autism are people" during Autism Awareness Month. - Photo via

Gerber: People With Autism are People

Julie Gerber April 13, 2022

So, it's autism awareness month. As someone with autism, I want to say a couple of things. People with autism are people. We have minds that work, they just don't work like neurotypical people and...

Lara Stolman, director of documentary "Swim Team," speaks with John Woodruff, Director of the Rowan Academic Success Center, at the screening. - Tara Lonsdorf/Arts & Entertainment Editor.

‘Swim Team’ screening celebrates inclusion

Tara Lonsdorf October 24, 2018

The young men on the New Jersey Hammerheads swim team are just like any other group of dedicated athletes: hard working, determined and committed to their success. Quiet, animal-loving Mikey is among...

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