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The Whit

The sustainability development goals lab event was held at Rowan University on Feb. 17, 2023. - Photo / Amanda Bingham for South Jersey Climate News

Rowan event explores global sustainability goals – and what they mean locally and on campus

Amanda Bingham February 22, 2023

Rowan University students and faculty gathered for a day-long workshop to learn about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) designed to inspire the best environmental practices...

The end is finally here. This editorial reflects on the past semester and the hopes we have for the next. - Photo via Pixabay.

Editorial: The end of the Semester is Here

The Whit Staff December 8, 2021

Congratulations, we’ve made it. Our first somewhat normal semester since the pandemic is in the books. And if you’re like many of us at The Whit staff, the start of winter break could not come...

Attendees of Monday's rally hug outside of Savitz Hall. - Multimedia Editor / Alex Rossen

Editorial: A Conversation About Mental Health and Student Resources on Campus

The Whit Staff November 10, 2021

This week, students comforted one another in the midst of their mourning, joined together in anguish to voice their broken hearts and held high signs demanding change on Rowan’s campus. Disbelief...

Santino D'Agostino shares his experience with imposter syndrome and unfamiliarity. - Photo via

D’Agostino: Dear Imposter Syndrome . . .

Santino J. D’Agostino October 5, 2021

I remember when we first met. It wasn’t over the span of a day or a week or a month; I’d felt your presence long before I’d even say we truly came face-to-face. However, you decided to step out...

This editorial discusses the awkward transition from college student to young adulthood. - Photo via

Editorial: Accepting Change

The Whit Staff September 29, 2021

There’s only one thing in this life that’s consistent--it’s change. In fact, if there’s anything the past year and a half has taught us, it’s that change is inevitable and often unpredictable. For...

Panelists share their stories, struggles and hopes for change during the virtual presentation of "Lift the Mask: Portraits of Mental Health and the Impact on Diverse Communities." - Photo via

“Portraits of Mental Health and the Impact on Diverse Communities”: A Conversation About Change and Support

Christine Harkinson March 24, 2021

Last Thursday, March 18, Rowan University, Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey and The Quell Foundation hosted “Lift the Mask: Portraits of Mental Health and the Impact on Diverse Communities,”...

Healthy Campus Initiatives discusses building relationships and overcoming loneliness during quarantine. - Photo courtesy of Angela Colo / Healthy Campus Initiatives intern

Healthy Campus Initiatives Presents “The Emotional Reality of Social Distancing”: Coping With Loneliness and Adapting to Change

Arianna Adan March 16, 2021

Last Thursday, March 11, Rowan’s Wellness Center hosted “The Emotional Reality of Social Distancing” with junior psychology major and Healthy Campus Initiatives (HCI) intern Angela Colo. Colo...

Since art is an innate facet of humans, creating art is a way to convey universally understood messages. Rossen discusses the impact art with activist messages has on society. - Photo courtesy of Alex Rossen

Rossen: The Intersection Between Art and Activism

Alex Rossen March 8, 2021

Few things about a contemporary democratic society are more beautiful, valuable and meaningful than the intersection between activism and art. Making art is an innately human act, and it can also...

Harper Lee published the prequel to her popular novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" in 2015. Pallante discusses the backlash it received and what it says about American society. - Photo via

Pallante: America is a Fiction

Robert Pallante November 1, 2020

Here in America, we like to believe that we live in a country of high ideals, and that we may have gone astray. But that's not the case. America is absurd, it is innately the home of evil, idiotic, bigoted...

This week's Student Diary discusses finding yourself and fear of the unknown - Managing Editor / Tara Lonsdorf

Student Diary: Why you may be Holding Onto Memories

Helena Perray October 13, 2020

As a self-proclaimed nostalgia enthusiast, the greatest mountain I’ve yet to climb is that of letting go. I’m bound by memories and stillborn dreams that I’m convinced possess the capability of...

Dr. Shari Willis stands with two of her daughters and a reindeer. This was part of a family trip to northern Finland where they got to go reindeer-sleighing. - Photo / Dr. Shari Willis

Dr. Shari Willis encourages growth through overcoming challenges—and rock climbing

Kalie VanDewater September 30, 2019

As college students, something that is liable to happen is getting into a routine where we don’t step outside of our comfort zones. Some of us may not challenge ourselves more than our selected major...

Annie Busarello explains in her ProfTalk that it is human nature to fear the unknown, and that is perfectly okay.  -Contributor/Alexa Aulicino

ProfTalks: ‘Moving On’ encourages embracing change

Alexa Aulicino April 29, 2019

As the semester draws to a close, we find ourselves moving on in a sense. Students partake in a transition from the structured school year to something new. This may be an alluring time, but it can be...

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