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The Whit

The Triad parking lot has been changed from a residential lot to a commuter parking lot that requires a parking pass. - Multimedia Editor / Drew Peltzman

Triad tickets urge parking answers

Drew Peltzman December 6, 2023

Multiple Rowan students were issued parking tickets on Nov. 7 outside the Triad complex in Lot F despite having parked there for the entirety of the semester without any issues.  The Whit reported...

"The struggles that come with trying to feel involved in campus life and expanding your social circle is hard, especially for someone who doesn’t live at Rowan." - Graphics Editor / Julia Quennesson

Shockey: The college transition for freshman commuters is harder than most people realize

Sarah Shockey October 4, 2023

Editors note: The graphic for this article was credited to the wrong editor, The Whit's Graphics Editor, Julia Quennesson, designed it, not our Multimedia Editor, Drew Peltzman. Like all first-year...

Senior Writing Arts and Emergency Management dual major Maranda Jo Shinn discusses her passion for writing. - Photo / Maranda Jo Shinn

Senior Spotlight: Maranda Jo Shinn, Class of 2022

Jennifer McGraw October 27, 2021

 “Be authentically you.”      That’s what Rowan senior, Maranda Jo Shinn, has to say as her biggest piece of advice for underclassmen to succeed.      Shinn...

What this semester has been like as most classes remain online - Photo by

I Tried to Mentally Prepare Myself to Go Back to Campus (and Failed)

Mohammed Fuad September 23, 2020

Five months. That’s how long it’s been since I last stepped foot on campus. I can’t remember what it was like going to class anymore because, like everyone else, I spent the remaining two months...

Dear Destiny: Shy Butterfly

Dear Destiny: Shy Butterfly

Destiny Hall March 8, 2020

Dear Destiny, Forgive me if this is cliche. I am a reasonably shy freshman and a commuter, and I've struggled a lot with making friends this year — more so than I thought I would. I've tried to get...

Bunce Hall, on the campus of Rowan University. -Photo Editor/Amanda Palma

2018-2019 on-campus housing application opens

Matt Kass January 31, 2018

In a Rowan Announcer submission sent to students today, Lindsey James, the Residential Learning and University Housing (RLUH) housing assignments coordinator announced that applications have opened for...

A basement with a working light. -Photo courtesy of Flickr user David.

Commuter Life: Rock bottom has a basement

Breanna Ruiz April 21, 2017

My professor said something in class a few weeks ago that hit me like a ton of bricks. “If you don’t intern somewhere, when you graduate you won’t have a job.” She reminded us that we will...

You just might be a commuter if you live out of your car. - Photo by Flickr user BJ Hale

Commuter Life: When your car is your dorm, spruce it up with these necessities

Breanna Ruiz April 16, 2017

“How do you do it?” Maybe it’s because of my eye bags, my constant yawning or because someone heard me crying in the bathroom stall again, but for some reason, I get asked this question all the...

With the COVID-19 pandemic, most classes at Rowan have been held virtually. The university announced a transition to holding more in-person classes starting this week. - Flickr / Kevin Dooley

Commuter Life: Social anxiety doesn’t need to ruin the college experience

Breanna Ruiz April 12, 2017

“Oh my god, I have, like, no friends.” I’ve heard it. You’ve heard it. Hey, maybe you’re guilty of saying it. Regardless, this line is about as overused as “Netflix and chill” and comparing...

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems faced by college students. - Photo courtesy of

Commuter Life: How I handle being stretched too thin

Breanna Ruiz March 31, 2017

Breathe. My heart is racing a mile a minute. My head is pounding. My body's shaking. I feel like I just ran the hardest, greatest, most important race of my entire life, and...I lost. I can’t seem...

We know Wawa coffee tastes good, but it may not help your body fight off flu. - Photo by Flickr user Dave Kerwood

Life as a Commuter: GasBuddy, Wawa coffee and free parking go far for frugal commuter

Breanna Ruiz March 23, 2017

You close the car door. You strap on your seatbelt. You turn the keys, and it hits you: you need gas. You look at the clock. Phew! You got time, kid. Just hit the next Wawa. You pull up, and the attendant...

Ruiz: Life as a commuter – Rowan, work, bed, repeat

Breanna Ruiz March 15, 2017

Up until last week, my life was set in 30-minute increments. Work, school, eat, try to sleep, repeat. Sounds easy enough, right? Wrong. I’m a full-time student who commutes from Philadelphia, who works...

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