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The Student News Site of Rowan University

The Whit

The Whit

The Whit

Glassboro Police Department’s efforts is deploying “Party Patrols,” which are groups of officers who patrol every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. - Graphics Editors / Julia Quennessen

Glassboro PD deploys “Party Patrol” after shooting & stabbing over Halloweekend

Sarah Shockey November 8, 2023

This past Halloween weekend, Glassboro residents and Rowan students were alerted about violent incidents that occurred near campus, with stabbings and gunshots reported.  There was a reported...

Students on stage at a Rowan drag show. - Copy Editor / Sylent Michaels

O’Brien: What’s the deal with the anger over drag?

Owen O’Brien April 19, 2023

I want to preface this by saying that I’m not a fan of drag. I have only a passing knowledge of the subculture’s existence, I don’t think I’ve ever watched “Rupaul’s Drag Race” but I know...

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