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Rowan's Political parties' logos. - Arts & Entertainment Editor / Al Harmon.

Campus Ideologies: Three student parties take on healthcare

Rowan Political Groups February 7, 2024

Rowan Progressives As the U.S. war machine once again beats its drum and funnels its tax dollars directly into the hands of a far-right genocidal regime while simultaneously raining down missiles...

Rowan's Political parties' logos. - Arts & Entertainment Editor / Al Harmon.

Campus Ideologies: Three student parties take on climate change

Rowan Political Groups January 24, 2024

Rowan Progressives The current state of the climate can be described as nothing less than a crisis. 2023 has not been the first year to be documented as the hottest year on record, nor will it...

Glassboro municipal positions have all been filed by the Democratic Party. -Photo /

News Brief: Gloucester County unofficial 2022 elections

Morgan Reitzel November 9, 2022

On Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 8, citizens of Glassboro went to voting booths to vote for the running candidates.  John E. Wallace III, a Democrat, won for mayor of Glassboro Township by 97. 09%...

It's official: Trump lost the 2020 presidential election to Joe Biden. Pallante talks about how Trump and the Republican Party will proceed in light of this. - Photo via CNN

Pallante: The Grifting Will Continue Until Morale Improves

Robert Pallante November 13, 2020

Donald Trump lost. Come Jan. 20, 2021, at 12:01 p.m. — one minute after Joe Biden is inaugurated — he will no longer be president of the United States. However, Donald John Trump will remain an enduring...

In the U.S., there are two dominant political parties. Rossen argues that our political system should be more representative of the pluralistic beliefs of our country rather than confined to two often opposing parties. - Photo via Intelligence Squared US

Rossen: The American People Have Nothing to Gain by Retaining a Two-Party Duopoly

Alex Rossen November 4, 2020

We know that our country is made up of 50 states and over 300 million people, spread out across 3.8 million square miles, all with conflicting interests. It should come as no surprise that the growing...

Robert Mueller in the White House. Photo courtesy of Google Images or Wikimedia  Commons.

Reactions to Barr report on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s findings

Christopher Connors April 3, 2019

Attorney General William Barr released the principle conclusions of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s findings on Sunday, March 24. The four-page summary concluded Special Counsel Robert Mueller was...

The US Capitol building. -Courtesy of

Editorial: Takeaways from the 2018 midterm elections

The Whit Staff November 7, 2018

Voting is a strange experience. It's one of the few communal experiences left that the majority of us share. We head, herd-like, to our local elementary school, library or similar exotic and rarely visited...

Rowan University's Student Center pit filled with screens broadcasting the election votes during the SGA election watch party night. -Contributor/Jubril Olapade

SGA hosts the #Rowanvotes election night watch party

Jubril Olapade November 7, 2018

On August 2, 1776, arguably the world's most famous breakup letter was signed. A letter that the worlds longest lasting Constitution was written for. A letter that war was fought and won for. This letter...

Rowan Democrats are talking about #MeToo and the rest of us need to

Breanna Ruiz February 13, 2018

Editor's note: A portion of this article has been removed at the request of the person quoted. This has been done to prevent endangering that person and to keep them from experiencing further harassment. Weinstein....

 -Photo from

Editorial: Dissent is not disloyalty

The Whit Staff February 7, 2018

Edward Murrow once said, “We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.” Although Murrow said this years ago, this simple phrase has incredible relevance still today. Last week, President Trump was...

(Photo from

Bromke: Millennials are apathetic, as they should be

West Bromke January 24, 2018

What's your biggest pet peeve about the way people talk about your generation? Mine is that they're all terrible at it. Baby Boomers are generally about as effective in their attempts to engage with the...

Murdoch: Too much weight is put in political labels

Craig Murdoch November 1, 2017

This is a weekly installment of Craig Murdoch's column series, "Dazed and Crazed." Political labels are often given too much clout. They divide us in a stupid way because people have so many different...

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