The second installment of the franchise, “Dune: Part Two” brings the second half of Frank Herbert’s iconic 1965 sci-fi novel “Dune” to life, a book that has long been considered the epitome...
The 94th Academy Awards, held on March 27, was truly a night to remember. Celebrities and influencers alike flooded the red carpet to engage in and conduct interviews. Outfits were specially selected...
The 94th Academy Award nominations were announced on Feb. 8. With that came a lot of praise and uproar due to nominees and, perhaps, lack thereof in the world of film.
For the first time in four years,...
A $5 ticket was all it took for me to see the new “Dune” movie, starring Timothee Chalamet and Zendaya, based on the 1965 science-fiction novel by Frank Herbert.
After walking up the stairs...
This year has been a difficult time for movie fans as restrictions put in place by COVID-19 forced film studios to delay their upcoming releases.
Over the past several months, notable titles’ release...