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The Whit

"Politicians are spending more time, money and energy on issues that older Americans are concerned with simply because they vote more." - Photo via Pexels

Clark: You should care about politics

Jake Clark, Contributor September 9, 2024

As the election draws closer, political content can be seen almost everywhere. From social media, streaming platforms, billboards, the radio, and on your TV, advertisements are showing support for certain...

Rowan's Political parties' logos. - Arts & Entertainment Editor / Al Harmon.

Campus Ideologies: Three student parties take on voting & elections

Rowan Political Groups April 3, 2024

Rowan Progressives We live in very turbulent times. As we speak, over a million people are stranded with minimal access to food and water in Gaza, gang violence and starvation have overtaken Haiti,...

Executive Vice President Emily Lowe goes over Series 2 at an SGA information session. - Photo / Abigail Twiford

SGA Series 2 Elections: Here’s what you need to know

Abigail Twiford March 22, 2023

The Student Government Association's (SGA) Series 2 election applications opened on March 1. The application gives students the opportunity to run for seats on the SGA Executive Board for the academic...

A guide to Rowan's SGA's election season

A guide to Rowan’s SGA’s election season

Nigel Pala February 15, 2023

Rowan University’s Student Government Association’s election process is underway and all students are encouraged to apply and make their voices heard. The upcoming race is a Series One election,...

Glassboro municipal positions have all been filed by the Democratic Party. -Photo /

News Brief: Gloucester County unofficial 2022 elections

Morgan Reitzel November 9, 2022

On Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 8, citizens of Glassboro went to voting booths to vote for the running candidates.  John E. Wallace III, a Democrat, won for mayor of Glassboro Township by 97. 09%...

Paige Bathurst, the president of SGA, speas at the podium during the senate elections. - Staff Writer / Al Harmon

SGA Senate Meeting Announces Wrong Winner at Election

Al Harmon October 19, 2022

On Oct. 17, the SGA Senate convened for their bi-weekly meeting to elect a public relations representative, which four candidates applied for. However, it was difficult to determine who won the election...

This editorial discusses the SGA's adherence to bylaws. Photo via Rowan SGA.

EDITORIAL: SGA and a Culture of Accountability

The Whit Staff September 22, 2022

While the Student Government Association (SGA) governs us, their bylaws govern them, thus creating a perfect balance in which we elect students into positions of power and that power receives a series...

Santino D'Agostino shares his thoughts on the upcoming election for New Jersey Governor between incumbent Gov. Phil Murphy and Republican  nominee Jack Ciattarelli. Photo via ABC News.

D’Agostino: Murphy Campaign’s Ciattarelli-Trump lie⁠—Governor’s Gaslighting Strategy Projects Anxious Election Day Concerns

Santino J. D’Agostino September 17, 2021

Move over, Delta variant. We have a new public health emergency in town, so long as the Murphy campaign sticks around: mass gaslighting. A surely well-rested Gov. Phil Murphy is kicking off the fall...

The potential New Jersey governors are preparing for the election in November. Photo via-

General Election: Murphy, Democrats, Eyeing Big Wins in November

Nicholas Feldman September 15, 2021

Editors Note: In the print version of The Whit, it says that Stephanie Green is the author of this article, however, the author is Nicholas Feldman, as it says online. We apologize for this mistake. With...

Event moderator Amy Hoch asking a question to the panelists.- Photo via / Gabrielle Giacomelli

DEI Hosts “Minding Your Mental Health: COVID-19, Racism and the Elections” Virtual Meeting

Gabrielle Giacomelli November 4, 2020

The Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) of Rowan University held a WebEx meeting on the topics of racism, COVID-19, political culture, and how to deal with those issues on Wednesday, Nov....

Rowan community members march down Rowan Boulevard in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement on Juneteenth 2020. - Editor-in-Chief / Kalie VanDewater

Lonsdorf: Four Years Later, Rowan (Finally) Has a Political Identity

Tara Lonsdorf November 4, 2020

There's a funny axiom about what happens when 18-year-olds leave their small towns for college: that they'll experience a culture shock of sudden diversity and arts and multiculturalism. When I came to...

Senior Michael Giuliani offers students information on voting registration, #RowanVotes' voter registration booth. - Multimedia Editor / Alexander Rossen

Rowan Students React to the 2020 Election

Tara Lonsdorf November 4, 2020

Editor's Note: This article has been written as of Nov. 4, 2020, before all ballots have been counted in all states. Some generalizations or opinions expressed by students may therefore not represent...

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