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Amanda Haines, executive director of ELEC, addresses the crowd on campaign finance at RIPPAC event. - Photography Editor / Gavin Schweiger

Amanda Haines talks campaign finance and election fairness at RIPPAC event

Dan Hassall, Contributor October 2, 2024

As the peak of election season draws nearer, all eyes are turning to candidates and their campaigns as they vie to win political office. But, in a political climate where concerns over campaign misconduct...

Rowan's Political parties' logos. - Arts & Entertainment Editor / Al Harmon.

Campus Ideologies: Three student parties take on voting & elections

Rowan Political Groups April 3, 2024

Rowan Progressives We live in very turbulent times. As we speak, over a million people are stranded with minimal access to food and water in Gaza, gang violence and starvation have overtaken Haiti,...

The 2022-2023 SGA Executive Board stands together in the Chamberlain Student Center. - Photo via Rowan University

Editorial: SGA’s democracy is fragile if students refuse to vote

The Whit Staff March 23, 2023

Rowan University boasts a total student population of 19,568. Of these nearly 20,000 students, only 913 voted in Series 1 of Rowan’s Student Government Association (SGA) Elections.  This means...

Executive Vice President Emily Lowe goes over Series 2 at an SGA information session. - Photo / Abigail Twiford

SGA Series 2 Elections: Here’s what you need to know

Abigail Twiford March 22, 2023

The Student Government Association's (SGA) Series 2 election applications opened on March 1. The application gives students the opportunity to run for seats on the SGA Executive Board for the academic...

Glassboro municipal positions have all been filed by the Democratic Party. -Photo /

News Brief: Gloucester County unofficial 2022 elections

Morgan Reitzel November 9, 2022

On Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 8, citizens of Glassboro went to voting booths to vote for the running candidates.  John E. Wallace III, a Democrat, won for mayor of Glassboro Township by 97. 09%...

The owl statue near Robinson Hall at Rowan's Glassboro Campus. - File Photo / Miguel Martinez

SGA Executive Elections Results for 2021-2022 Academic Year

Paul Stainker Jr. March 17, 2021

The big winner this weekend was Assistant Vice President (AVP) of Academic Affairs Matthew Beck, who won the election for SGA President.  The change in responsibilities is something Beck is ready...

Political journalist, writer, television host and NBC correspondent Steve Kornacki covering the 2020 presidential election in MSNBC's newsroom. - Photo via NBC.

RIPPAC Hosts “So, What Happened?” A Virtual Conversation with Steve Kornacki

Corey Rothauser December 2, 2020

On Tuesday, Dec. 1, the Rowan Institute for Public Policy and Citizenship (RIPPAC) hosted "So, What Happened?" a virtual event with guest panelist Steve Kornacki.  Kornacki, a 41-year-old Massachusetts...

Dr. Penny McPherson-Myers, the Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), asks panelists questions about civil discourse in the work place. - News Editor / Corey Rothauser

DEI Hosts “Surviving Elections: Ensuring Civil Discourse in the Workplace”

Corey Rothauser November 16, 2020

On Thursday, Nov. 12, Rowan's Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) hosted "Surviving Elections: Ensuring Civil Discourse in the Workplace," which featured faculty from different areas of...

Glassboro welcomes the possibility of retail cannabis dispensaries. - Photo / Creative Commons

New Jersey Votes in Favor of Cannabis Legalization

Corey Rothauser November 4, 2020

On election day, about 67% of New Jersey voters cast ballots in favor of legalizing the possession, sale and use of cannabis for adults 21 and over. Currently, New Jersey has a 6.625% sales tax on...

Alternate Student Trustee candidates. Kyle Perez (left), Kevin McCarthy (middle) and Julia Gibbins (right). -Staff writer/Alexander Heller

Perez wins SGA alternate student trustee election following ‘Meet the Candidates’ event

Alexander Heller March 5, 2019

Current SGA Commissioner of Community Standards Kyle Perez was elected to the position of alternate student trustee following a "Meet the Candidates" open forum event last week. The forum was held...

-Courtesy of

Editorial: Vote on Nov. 6

The Whit Staff October 31, 2018

With the November midterm elections this Tuesday, our generation has a decision to make about the direction of this country. The point of this is not to tell you to usher in a blue or red wave, but rather...

Editorial: Go vote

The Whit Staff November 1, 2017

Last November, the United States experienced what many would end up calling one of the more surprising elections in American history. Not only did Donald Trump defeat preferred candidate Hillary Clinton,...

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