Iconic American singers, silent film actresses, knighted artists, chefs well-versed in French cuisine, young girls on adventures in Wonderland, and Greek goddesses and muses each find themselves a home...
Kiaura Rose, a 21-year-old artist based in Pitman, New Jersey, has released a new single under Rowan Music Group, a professional recording label based in Rowan University’s College of Performing Arts....
From getting his first drum kit on his ninth birthday, Jason Moran has come a long way and is excited to release a long-awaited EP along with original music with his band at Rowan University. Moran, a...
Joe Koda is a senior majoring in music technology here at Rowan University. Koda graduated from Paramus High School in Bergen County back in 2020. He began tinkering with creating his music after being...
Releasing her latest single ‘Come My Way’ on Feb. 16, the 21-year-old singer-songwriter and junior music industry major Gianna Jones is making her mark in the musical world continuously releasing...
Numerous excellent alternative bands like Earth on Fire, Wall Carpets, Shark Earrings and many more call Rowan University home. Rowan has a thriving, continuously expanding alternative music scene that...