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The Whit

"Director Anne Fletcher takes the audience through a whirlwind of emotions as the movie highlights the value of friendship." Arts & Entertainment Editor / Al Harmon.

“Hocus Pocus 2”: A sequel spellbinding enough to enchant fans across generations

Sylent Lee Michaels October 5, 2022

"Hocus Pocus" has held a special place in my heart since I was a child. With my love for witches, Halloween being my favorite holiday, and fall being my favorite season, how could it not be an all-time...

See a showcase of jack-o'-lanterns, in Woosley Park, Oct. 12-16. / Graphic via Tatiana Retamar and Tazjahne Moore

Halloween Haunts: Fall Festivals Near Rowan

Tatiana Retamar September 28, 2022

As summer nights come to an end, many are excited to enter another glorious season of sweater weather, apple picking, and pumpkin carving. As a fall lover, it’s always exciting to celebrate everything...

Rowan Women's Soccer huddles together before the second half of Sunday's game against Farmington State. Sunday, September 4, 2022. - Multimedia Editor / Lee Kotzen

Rowan Women’s Soccer Picks up First Win of the Season Against Farmingdale State

Lee Kotzen September 5, 2022

Strike early. That was the mindset of the Rowan women’s soccer team throughout their first two contests this season. In both games over the weekend, Head Coach Scott Leacott’s squad jumped ahead...

This week's editorial talks about this upcoming flu season. While signs show that cases may be relatively mild, respiratory viruses have become unpredictable due to the pandemic. Photo via Pixabay.

Editorial: Flu Season is Back to Reclaim its Virus-Throne

The Whit Staff October 27, 2021

It’s beginning to look a lot like flu season, everywhere you go. With the autumn chill starting to settle in and sweater-weather finally coming into fruition, influenza, which has been living in...

Kids pick out their own pumpkins at Duffield's Farm & Market. Several Halloween events near Rowan University, including a hayride and pumpkin picking at Duffield's Farm and Market, are still being held during the month of October. - Photo via

How Will Rowan Students Enjoy the Fall Season This Year?

Christine Harkinson October 13, 2020

With COVID-19 still omnipresent and Halloween almost two weeks away, celebrating this year will look and feel different for Rowan students. All events on campus are still virtual, which can make it difficult...

-Photo courtesy of

Fall activities to help make the most of the season

Kalie VanDewater September 10, 2019

With the start of the fall semester comes the inevitable end of beach, sun and vacation season. Though summer is ripe with fun, as well as a break from the fast pace of classes, many people prefer the...

The fall season comes with a lot of healthy options to consider. -Courtesy of

Rohlfs: 5 ways to improve your nutrition this fall

Jillian Rohlfs September 12, 2018

As the fall season approaches (and the semester gets busier and busier) here are five ways to improve your nutrition as you transition out of summer and into the cooler weather.   Stay away from...

Many characters from the Harry potter world are represented in the Pitman Potter Festival costume contest. -Photo courtesy of Joan Stoltzfus

Pitman Potter Festival sweeps sleepy suburban town with witchcraft and wizardry

Mackenzie Fitchett October 24, 2017

Witches and Wizards flooded the streets of Pitman with their magic wands and black cloaks for the Pitman Potter Festival over the weekend. Store windows throughout the town were filled with decorations,...

What would you like to see in pumpkin spice?

Amanda Palma September 28, 2016

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