Known for his striking visuals and for exploring themes like grief or AI in previous films like Annihilation or Ex-Machina, Alex Garland has decided to tackle American Culture in his latest historical-fiction...
Something strange has returned to the neighborhood, and everyone’s favorite ghost fighters and heroes are back in a brand-new movie! Celebrating 40 years of the “Ghostbusters” franchise, Sony Studios...
The anticipated fourth installment to the Kung Fu Panda franchise released in theaters on March 8. Starring Jack Black as the dragon warrior Po, “Kung Fu Panda 4” follows his reluctant journey to...
Rowan students who came out to see “Monster: A Frankenstein Play” at the Tohill Theater, which ran over the weekend from Feb. 22-25, may have been expecting to see a unique take on the classic tale....
If you’ve ever seen those users on TikTok making videos eating certain foods or using a product saying “I tried this so you don’t have to," this review is essentially the same thing. I watched “Madame...
Since its release on Nov. 17, 2023, “Saltburn” has quite literally broken the internet, and for good reason. Since then, the film has already been nominated for “Best Picture” at the Critics Choice...
Zion Cruz is a 21-year-old junior majoring in sports communication and media (Sports CaM) with a concentration in radio, television, and film (RTF). Cruz does a lot of different things regarding his content....
Holden Correia-Fisher is a senior radio, television, and film (RTF) major at Rowan University. He got his start in the RTF field in high school which sprouted his desire for the TV industry.
This past weekend, on Jan. 27 and 28, Rowan Cinema Workshop held auditions for the first of their four upcoming spring productions, Stella Cadente. The film is set to start shooting on Feb. 18 and wrap...
Keith Brand, a professor in the radio, television, and film department at Rowan is working on a documentary that was just awarded a $300,000 grant from the Pew Center of Arts and Heritage. A Philadelphia...
We dressed in pink during the month of July. When the "Barbie" movie eventually opened in theaters on July 21st, women and girls all around the country swept the internet and theaters by storm. It was...
Wedged somewhere between the glitz and glam of the Golden Globes and the modesty of a high school talent show sits the RTF Media Fest, which took place on Friday, March 31, in Bozorth Hall. The award...