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The Whit

The Whit

The Whit

Thanksgiving food donations in a box prepared for distribution to a family in need. - Staff Writer / Abigail Twiford

How to find Thanksgiving dinner around Rowan’s campus

Abigail Twiford November 16, 2022

More than 34 million people in the US are food insecure, according to Feeding America. This number does not exclude Rowan students and with Thanksgiving on Nov. 24, many of these students will be looking...

Volunteers unload produce and prepare bags of food for the drive-thru method of distribution. - Staff Writer / Morgan Reitzel

Fresh for all: Rowan University hosts food drive with Philabundance every Friday

Morgan Reitzel November 16, 2022

Philabundance is a food relief non-profit organization that has partnered with Rowan University to provide fresh produce for those in need every Friday from 10 to 11 a.m. in Parking Lot D at the corner...

Thanksgiving is next Thursday, and in this editorial, The Whit Staff talks about food insecurity in New Jersey and on campus. - Photo via

Editorial: Giving Back This Thanksgiving

The Whit Staff November 17, 2021

The season of thanks is finally here. What’s different about this Thanksgiving? Well, for many people, they’ll be able to celebrate with more of their loved ones this year than in 2020. Last Thanksgiving,...

Rowan University's Office of Volunteerism and Community Engagement collected enough food to feed 140 families for the Adopt A Family food drive in 2020. Photo via

Rowan Office of Volunteerism Hosts a Thanksgiving Food Drive

Abdul Barrie November 15, 2021

Rowan University's Office of Volunteerism & Community Engagement is holding an "Adopt A Family" Thanksgiving food drive. With families still struggling due to economic hardship caused by the pandemic,...

Students host Stuff the Bus to raise donations for The SHOP, the on-campus food pantry. Jenna Day (center) has run this event for two years. - Staff Writer / Maggie Leenas

Students help fill stomachs in need through Stuff the Bus event

Maggie Leenas December 9, 2019

Glassboro’s annual Boro in Lights night was held on Friday at Rowan Boulevard in Glassboro Town Square. Through the performances, photos with Santa and carriage rides, Rowan Student Government Association...

Student volunteers Mariana Cardenas (right) and Harley Buechler package supplies for the Office of Volunteerism. -News Editor/Matt Kass

Office of Volunteerism sponsors drive to feed families for Thanksgiving

Matt Kass November 15, 2017

This holiday season, the Office of Volunteerism is looking to help those less fortunate in the community. Through a program that started on Tuesday, Nov. 14, students can sponsor Thanksgiving meals for...

The exterior of the SHOP, located at the Rowan Boulevard Apartments.-Photo Editor/Nicole Mingo

SHOP helps students on campus, looking for donations

Lance Johnson September 12, 2017

The problem of food insecurity exists on campuses all across the United States. In a 2015 article from the American Council on Education's Christopher Nellum, even major campuses like the City University...

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Food drive