As the country continues to head closer to election night, universities across the nation are taking the opportunity to educate students on expressing their First Amendment rights. For some students enrolled...
In the era of heightened social awareness and digital activism, there has been a noticeable surge in the adoption of academic words into everyday language. While the goal of this linguistic growth is...
Witch hunts, burning, stoning, torment, and fear have surrounded the idea of witchcraft since as far back as the 1300s. In a world where history is common to repeat itself, it comes as a large shock in...
By now, we've all seen it. The religious fanatics who shout at students as they walk to class or back to their dorms from the sidewalk. They hold signs about premarital sex, the impending return of God,...
College student-athletes represent more than just themselves during their time at school and, at times, can be limited to what they say if it doesn’t align with the policies set forth by the respective...