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The Whit

Rowan University welcomed its largest freshman class this fall. - Photo via Rowan University

Editorial: Rowan is growing more than ever. Can we handle it?

The Whit Staff September 11, 2024

Just one year after its centennial, Rowan University proudly welcomed over 3,100 freshman students and over 5,300 transfer students to its Glassboro campus this fall. This marks the largest class in the...

A collage of Shockey's friends she has made so far at her time at college. - Photo via Sarah Shockey

Shockey: Dear incoming freshmen, everything is going to be okay

Sarah Shockey April 17, 2024

As an incoming freshman in Rowan’s Martinson Honors College, I met with a group of fellow first-year honors students once a week during the first semester as a part of their mentorship program aimed...

"The struggles that come with trying to feel involved in campus life and expanding your social circle is hard, especially for someone who doesn’t live at Rowan." - Graphics Editor / Julia Quennesson

Shockey: The college transition for freshman commuters is harder than most people realize

Sarah Shockey October 4, 2023

Editors note: The graphic for this article was credited to the wrong editor, The Whit's Graphics Editor, Julia Quennesson, designed it, not our Multimedia Editor, Drew Peltzman. Like all first-year...

The Wellness Center offers a host of resources including individual and group counseling, reporting resources, ER transportation for evidence collection, Famcare and medications for STI and pregnancy prevention. - Opinion Editor / Sylent Michaels

Rowan navigates college “Red Zone” after sexual assault on campus

Abigail Twiford September 13, 2023

What is Rowan doing to navigate sexual assault during the Red Zone period? Within the first week of the fall semester of 2023, a timely warning from Rowan’s Department of Public Safety was issued...

One of the entrances of Holly Pointe Commons. Staff Writer / Elena Laughton

Holly Pointe Commons: When one Door Closes, Another one Opens

Elena Laughton September 28, 2022

In recent weeks, there has been a recurring issue of non-Rowan students getting into Holly Pointe Commons and disrupting the students who live there. With back-to-back incidents, it may be time to ask,...

RAH hosted their first event of the year, an Ice Cream Social, on Thursday in the Chamberlain Student Center. - Graphic / Drew Peltzman

Rowan After Hours Hosts Free Ice Cream Social As Kickoff Event

Sam Prince September 13, 2022

On Thursday, Sept. 8, just two days after Fall classes began, Rowan After Hours (RAH) hosted an Ice Cream Social for students. Signs around campus pointed students to the Chamberlain Student Center...

Features Intern Jack Trabucco talks about his opinion on  the Rowan University Senate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DEI) proposal to eliminate gendered grade level terms like "freshman," "sophomore," "junior" and "senior." - Photo via

Trabucco: “Escaping” Gendered Language – a Divisive Waste of Time & Energy

Jack Trabucco February 16, 2022

Last semester, at the Rowan University Senate meeting, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DEI) submitted a proposal to the senate seeking to eliminate “language that can be interpreted...

Features Intern Kariyah Bennett describes the gut-wrenching fear of the "freshman 15." - Photo via

Bennett: The Struggles of the “Freshman 15”

Kariyah Bennett February 9, 2022

There is a phrase students hear when they begin their first semester of college: the “freshman 15.” It refers to the extra weight students gain through their first year at college. It’s a term...

Dear Destiny: Shy Butterfly

Dear Destiny: Shy Butterfly

Destiny Hall March 8, 2020

Dear Destiny, Forgive me if this is cliche. I am a reasonably shy freshman and a commuter, and I've struggled a lot with making friends this year — more so than I thought I would. I've tried to get...

Bringing back-up shoes to school can keep you from being shoeless if your shoes get ruined. -Photo courtesy of

Freshman starter kit: What you need to get through college

Michael Reina September 15, 2019

With the start of the new semester, hundreds of freshmen are coming to dorms on Rowan’s campus to see what college life is all about. Though there are many things students should buy, there are some...

- File photo/Amanda Palma

O’Brien: College is an inevitability

Owen O’Brien September 11, 2019

Picture this: You’re a young man, say seventeen, a little young to be doing this, but still, you excitedly drive with your parents over to... Evergreen, I think? Yeah... Evergreen for move-in day. You...

Graphic by Graphics Editor Jesse Mounce

What advice would you give your freshman self?

Miguel Martinez April 18, 2018

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