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The Student News Site of Rowan University

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The Whit

Glassboro Police Department’s efforts is deploying “Party Patrols,” which are groups of officers who patrol every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. - Graphics Editors / Julia Quennessen

Glassboro PD deploys “Party Patrol” after shooting & stabbing over Halloweekend

Sarah Shockey November 8, 2023

This past Halloween weekend, Glassboro residents and Rowan students were alerted about violent incidents that occurred near campus, with stabbings and gunshots reported.  There was a reported...

"The stabbing that occurred was in the direct pathway I walk every Tuesday morning for my class in Bozorth Hall. I actually skipped class this past Tuesday in fear of walking through this area, I gave myself a headache stressing over this." - Multimedia Editor / Drew Peltzman

Michaels: How off campus is off campus?

Sylent Lee Michaels November 1, 2023

The Whit staff members have written at least five articles about the vague Rowan Alert articles students often receive. This piece is not an opinion about the Rowan Alert system, but rather a discussion...

After students expressed wanting more details in Rowan Alerts and Timely Warning, the most recent one was more descriptive although the correlation between complaints and this email is undetermined. Graphic Editors / Julia Quennessen

Rowan issues more detailed Timely Warning after student shot with BB gun

Madison Miller April 12, 2023

A Rowan student was recently shot with a BB gun off campus just a block away from school grounds, according to the most recent Rowan Timely Warning.  The student did not report any injuries, suspects,...

President Ali Houshman shares his future plans at University Assembled. - News Intern / Madison Miller

New safety measures, expansion and teaching styles presented at University Assembled

Madison Miller April 5, 2023

On Friday, March 31, students, faculty and staff gathered in the Eynon Ballroom with President Dr. Ali Houshmand and his team to discuss new university policies, news and developments. Houshmand also...

The robbery occured close by the Rowan University Barnes & Noble. Contributor / Nick Feldman

Unknown Suspects in “Strong Armed Robbery” Barnes & Noble on Rowan Blvd.

Gabriel Fogg October 26, 2022

On Wednesday, Oct. 12, there was a “strong-armed robbery” outside of Rowan’s Barnes & Noble bookstore in which a backpack and cell phone were stolen.  “Rowan Alert: Public Safety received...

The original incident happened in October of 2018. -Photo via

The Ruling of Glassboro PD Holding Students at Gunpoint Incident in 2018

Owen O’Brien November 29, 2021

Judge Joseph H. Rodriguez, of the New Jersey District Court, has ruled that Glassboro police did not violate the civil rights of Altaif Hassan and Giovanna Roberson when they held the pair at gunpoint...

-Graphics Editor/Amanda Palma

Whit News Minute 10-29-2018

The Whit Staff October 29, 2018

Alura Agnes brings you the latest Rowan news for Monday, Oct. 29, 2018. For questions/comments about this story, email or tweet @TheWhitOnline.

A sketch of the suspect in the Oct. 20 robbery. -Courtesy of GPD Facebook page

Two assaults happen within one week

Amanda Palma October 28, 2018

Two assaults have occurred on and off Rowan's campus within one week. Last Saturday, Glassboro Police were dispatched at 3:30 a.m. for a strong armed robbery, off campus, according to Glassboro Police....

-Courtesy of Deuce Willis' Facebook page

Editorial: Examining the GPD incident and its aftermath

The Whit Staff October 10, 2018

The past week at Rowan has been intense, to say the least. For those of you who have been in a coma or living in a technology-free Buddhist monastery, there was an incident that consumed all news coverage...

The water tower at Rowan University notes the connection with Glassboro. -Multimedia Editor/Miguel Martinez

Heller: The growing divide between Rowan students and Glassboro residents

Alexander Heller October 10, 2018

The events last Monday were an unfortunate eye opener that showed how divided and different Rowan and Glassboro really are. For those not familiar with what transpired, Rowan students received an alert...

-Courtesy of

Washington: It’s time to speak up, Rowan

Nah’Ja Washington October 8, 2018

On Monday, Oct. 1, at approximately 5:52 p.m., Rowan students received an alert indicating Glassboro police identified a vehicle belonging to an individual who was reportedly armed. What this brief alert...

-Graphics Editor/Amanda Palma

Whit News Minute 10-5-2018

Joseph Gramigna October 5, 2018

Alura Agnes brings you the latest Rowan news for Friday, Oct. 5, 2018.   For questions/comments about this story, email or tweet @TheWhitOnline.

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