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The Whit

"However, though I know it sounds cliche, the thing I am most grateful for is the people I have made connections with in my time here." - Co-News Editor / Abigail Twiford

Twiford: Goodbye Rowan

Abigail Twiford, Co-News Editor December 11, 2024

I will be graduating and finalizing my degree at the end of this semester. As I look for a job, that involves a lot of cover letter writing and portfolio creation, I have been reflecting heavily on my...

"What was once only the stressors of an ending semester, added are anxieties of what to wear and who to invite for graduation, wondering when you will have time for pictures on top of final assignments, and navigating where you’re going to go next." - Graphic / Yaz Shaughnessy

Michaels: A farewell with acknowledgment to lessons learned throughout college

Sylent Lee Michaels April 24, 2024

The end of a semester is often stressful and comes up quickly. Every semester for 100 years, students at Rowan University work tirelessly to finalize assignments, complete club commitments, and study...

"Shake off that existential dread, because life does not end after college." - Graphic / Yaz Shaughnessy

Editorial: I’m graduating, but am I ready?

The Whit Staff April 17, 2024

As we enter the final few weeks of the semester, graduating students are asking the same existential questions: “Am I ready to enter the real world?” and “What does life look like after graduation?”...

"If you’re contemplating a change of pace, keep in mind that you’re not alone. As this data shows, many people change career paths over time. " Graphic / Bunny Beyer

Michaels: I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up, and that’s okay

Sylent Lee Michaels March 27, 2024

Growing up, we’re often asked “What do you want to be when you grow up?” To which we often respond with silly things like an astronaut, a princess, or the president. Or, we have attainable career...

My high school graduation photos taken on my back deck, following a Zoom graduation. - Photo via Sylent Michaels

Michaels: Reflect on who college has helped you become

Sylent Lee Michaels January 24, 2024

Ah, the spring semester of 2024 is upon us. I am a senior in college, possibly taking my last semester in school. I say possibly because who knows if I’ll get my masters after this, but that’s to...

Rowan students celebrate at the university's commencement. - Photo via Rowan University

Pala: Is a Bachelor’s degree still worth it?

Nigel Pala April 27, 2023

Four years ago, my peers and I stepped onto our respective college campuses for the first time, wide-eyed and impressionable, embarking on a journey that would be like no other. Each of us had our own...

Rowan's new graduation gowns for 2023. - Photo via Rowan University.

Valcourt: The controversial new graduation gowns

Chelsea Valcourt April 26, 2023

Okay, I’ll say it, I love the new graduation gowns and I love the history they represent.I’m a huge Rowan fan. I transferred here hoping to find a more welcoming and accepting university. That’s...

Students gather along Rowan Boulevard, or as students often call it, Robo. - Photo via Rowan University

Editorial: R U Rowan proud?

The Whit Staff April 13, 2023

Over the past year, The Whit has run many stories about the shortcomings of Rowan University. From parking problems to issues receiving reliable and quality mental health resources, to insufficient Rowan...

Students have access to their Google Drive for a year after they graduate, however, after one year has expired, students no longer have access but the data does not get wiped. - Graphics Editor / Julia Quennessen

What happens to work stored in Google Drive after graduation?

Abigail Twiford April 12, 2023

Have you ever thought about what will happen to your Rowan Google account after you graduate? All students, staff and faculty are given a Google Drive as part of their Rowan accounts for academic,...

Retamar discusses emotions students may face as they near graduation. - Staff Writer / Tatiana Retamar

Retamar: A letter to the student who is close to the finish line

Tatiana Retamar March 1, 2023

May 6.  May 6 to those who are returning students may seem like a regular day to them, they just finished their last final and are packing up their belongings to head home and finally kick start...

Rowan University has limited college graduation tickets from eight to four. - Arts & Entertainment Editor / Chelsea Valcourt

EDITORIAL: $150K for four graduation tickets

The Whit Staff February 15, 2023

Roughly 40 classes, 900 hours and an estimated $147,312 to $152,676 have all led to this very moment. It’s the moment many of us have dreamed of since we were high school seniors, perhaps even younger....

Jack Trabucco reminisces on his years at Rowan and their impact in this week's "The Student Side." - Graphics Editor / Jana Jackstis

The Student Side: Retrospective

Jack Trabucco April 27, 2022

On Nov. 11, 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic was taking its toll on everyone. The switch to virtual classes left me angry and impatient to an extent I’d never felt in my life. I was complaining constantly...

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