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Michaels discusses the controversies surrounding gun control. - Photo / Unsplash

Michaels: Gun violence in 2023

Sylent Lee Michaels February 16, 2023

Within the first three weeks of this new year, there were 39 mass shootings throughout the United States.  We are now a month and a half into the year, and the states have seen 71 mass shootings...

-Photo from

Lutz: Gun control in America

Kyle Lutz February 27, 2018

In this year alone, there have been 18 school shootings and at one point there was an average of three per week. Going all the way back to the ‘70s, a total of 3,652 days in that time span, there were...

Bromke: A look at how two states enforce gun control

West Bromke February 27, 2018

Another school shooting has come and gone. It's not right that I have to start a column with a sentence like that. There's something wrong with the world when mass murderers show up on CNN as often as...

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Yobb: We have to start the discussion now

Chris Yobb February 19, 2018

The country just experienced another mass shooting that took the lives of innocent people. We have seen this time and time again yet, there is still no change. We as a society have grown numb to atrocities...

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gun laws