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The Whit

"It is the belief of The Whit Staff that this incident should have been reported to the Rowan students and faculty immediately via Rowan Alert, and Rowan Announcer." - Editor in Chief / Madison Miller

Editorial: Rowan University needs to address its gun safety problem, before it’s too late

The Whit Staff October 9, 2024

When Rowan students research what to pack for their dorm or apartment, mattress toppers, cheap shoes to wear to fraternity parties, and the best under-bed storage containers are often what comes to mind....

O’Brien: School shootings don’t have to be a fact of life

Owen O’Brien, Copy Desk Chief September 25, 2024

I’m typically desensitized to things like this, but when I saw J.D. Vance's comments in the wake of the most recent school shooting in Georgia— in which he lamented that these have become a “fact...

"The victims are the ones worthy of memory, not the shooters, which is why I have taken care to not restate their names here. What I will restate here are the far less known names of the victims." - Photo via

Twiford: Columbine Shooting; Say their names, not the shooters

Abigail Twiford April 17, 2024

On April 20, 1999, Columbine High School was hit with tragedy, chaos, and carnage when two seniors attacked.  While the two students had initially planned a multi-stage attack that involved multiple...

The Assistant Vice President of the Department of Public Safety, Mike Kantner. - Photo / Rowan University

Mike Kantner hosts Zoom with students over public safety conversation

Connor Brown March 1, 2023

Since the start of 2023, there have been 93 mass shootings in the U.S. according to the Gun Violence Archive (GVA), on the path to either equal or exceed 2022’s number of 647. While there is a wavering...

Michaels discusses the controversies surrounding gun control. - Photo / Unsplash

Michaels: Gun violence in 2023

Sylent Lee Michaels February 16, 2023

Within the first three weeks of this new year, there were 39 mass shootings throughout the United States.  We are now a month and a half into the year, and the states have seen 71 mass shootings...

- Photo courtesy of Pixabay

Gun violence in America today: Why we need a change

Christian A. Browne November 21, 2019

Antione Brown, Jurnee Thompson, Gracie Anne Muehlberger and Micah Tennant are four victims who have lost their lives due to gun violence in America this year. Just a few weeks ago, I listened to a...

Sophomore writing arts major Dina Folgia with the rest of "The Boys" perform a choreographed number to "Gaims" by KAMAU on Friday, Feb. 9, 2018 in Bunce Hall. -Staff Photo/Scott Buzby

Rowan Lab Theatre’s ‘It’s Happening at Home’ tackles big issues with power and poignancy

Scott Buzby February 11, 2018

Rowan’s Lab Theatre is known for addressing hard issues through their performances like violence, abuse, sexual assault and harassment. However, very rarely do we see all of those topics in one play...

 -Photo from

Yobb: Outlawing guns is not the answer

Chris Yobb November 14, 2017

I am going to start this off this a pretty obvious statement: Guns are bad. I think that this is something that everyone can agree with. Whether they are being used to attack or defend, (aside from sports)...

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gun violence