Streamers and decorations brought life to the typically mundane Engineering Hall last weekend as Rowan University hosted its eighth annual ProfHacks Hackathon. However, this time around, the event had...
The fourth annual Rowan ProfHacks Hackathon took place from March 9 to 10, hosted by Rowan University’s Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers club (IEEE). IEEE is one of the largest clubs...
This past weekend, Feb. 24-25, Rowan Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) hosted the 3rd Annual ProfHacks event in the Engineering Hall. This event brought over 200 hundred hackers...
That's a wrap on ProfHacks 2017. Thanks for following along during the live coverage of the event.
Update 4:00 p.m.: The results are being announced at the closing ceremony, which is also being held...