Just off route 322, nestled behind Bozorth and Hawthorn halls, is the Townhouse Community Center. This quaint building is home to a communal space that, on Thursday, Oct. 24, hosted a small Halloween themed...
It’s spooky season where people can dress up as silly, or as scary as they want. Halloween is a majorly celebrated holiday, statistics show that over 73.1 million people in the U.S. celebrate it. Almost...
On Oct. 19, students in the Touring and Concert Promotion class organized “Holly-ween,” which took place at Prof’s Place inside the Student Center. It was a night filled with music, costumes, food,...
A mosaic of warm colors covers the sidewalk and the trees. A hearty crunch fills my ears as I walk through my neighborhood, inhaling a deep breath of the crisp air. Long gone are the heavy, too-bright...