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The Whit

"Nearly two decades after Sept. 11, xenophobic views across America have continued to divide the country." - Graphics Editor / Julia Quennessen

Editorial: Two decades after tragedy, we are still learning to let prejudice go

The Whit Staff September 14, 2023

Nearly two decades after Sept. 11, xenophobic views across America have continued to divide the country. Xenophobia, prejudice against people from different countries, is not only tied to the 21st century...

Students on stage at a Rowan drag show. - Copy Editor / Sylent Michaels

O’Brien: What’s the deal with the anger over drag?

Owen O’Brien April 19, 2023

I want to preface this by saying that I’m not a fan of drag. I have only a passing knowledge of the subculture’s existence, I don’t think I’ve ever watched “Rupaul’s Drag Race” but I know...

On Monday, students rallied together to counter-protest a group of individuals promoting homophobic and racist ideology. Owen O'Brien shares his thoughts on the event. - Multimedia Editor / Alex Rossen

O’Brien: Bigotry and Hate Make a Confusing and Farcical Return to Campus

Owen O’Brien October 6, 2021

Aden Rusfeldt, who goes by “Pastor Aden,” runs the Key of David Christian Center in Philadelphia. He has made a habit of coming to college campuses and spreading his group's message, with the clear...

Students hold up signs in protest of the Key of David Christian Center - Assistant A&E Editor / Kristin Guglietti

VIDEO: Protest unites students against hate speech from religious group

Kristin Guglietti March 4, 2020

Protesters from a Philadelphia religious group stood behind a barricade outside the Chamberlain Student Center where they spewed hate-filled words while holding “Jesus is hellfire” signs. The...

Take Back the Night filled the student center. - Staff photo/Lauren Kubiak

Sexual assault victim supporters ‘Take Back the Night’ at Rowan

Lauren Kubiak April 5, 2017

Sexual violence survivors opened up about their experiences while an audience showed support through claps, snaps and written messages on cloth squares that would be turned into a quilt. It was part of...

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