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Students gather in Robinson Circle to light candles in remembrance of victims of the Holocaust. From left to right, Anushree Chauhan, Rory Newman and Dr. Mikkel Dack - Photo / Abigail Twiford

RCHGHR holds annual Holocaust Remembrance Day candle vigil

Abigail Twiford February 1, 2023

On Jan. 26 in Robinson Circle at 5 p.m. the Rowan Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights (RCHGHR) held its annual International Holocaust Remembrance Day Event in collaboration...

Students and staff joined together for International Holocaust Remembrance Day. - Photo by Will Mendez / Rowan University Media Specialist

Rowan University’s Virtual International Holocaust Remembrance Day Ceremonial Event

Helena Perray February 3, 2021

Rowan University held a virtual event on Jan. 27 in remembrance of the Holocaust events and those who lost their lives. All who were in virtual attendance were able to hold prayers, as well as have the...

Rowan remembers those lost in the Holocaust

Rowan remembers those lost in the Holocaust

Lindsey D’Ambrosio January 30, 2020

Members of Hillel, Chabad, the Rowan Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Student Government Association, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Phi Alpha Theta, Rowan Republicans, Rowan Democrats, and the LGBTQIA+...

Students hold lit candles at the Holocaust Memorial service on Thursday, Jan. 25, 2017.  -Photo Editor/Nicole Mingo

Rowan students remember the Holocaust with annual march across campus

Matt Kass January 31, 2018

The Rowan Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies held its annual Holocaust remembrance ceremony last week. The event started with a small speaking portion on the Robinson circle green, where the significance...

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Holocaust remembrance day