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The Whit

Men’s Ultimate Frisbee tosses water into the Club Swimming boat, while the swimming team shields it away. - Staff Writer / Madison Miller

Battleship Competition Brings Battle Royale to Homecoming Week

Madison Miller October 26, 2022

Last Wednesday, Oct. 19, Rowan student clubs and organizations all came together to compete in the school’s annual Homecoming Battleship event. Battleship is a unique competition, where four students...

A band preforms their live set during the Rowan tailgate. - Staff Writer / Kariyah Bennett

Homecoming Tailgate Charms Students With Endless Activities

Kariyah Bennett October 26, 2022

Students showed off their Prof spirit this weekend at Rowan tailgate. On Saturday, Oct. 22, current Rowan students, families, friends and alumni joined the festivities supporting the Rowan football team...

SUP held it's monthly movie night of "Princess Diaries" in conjunction with Rowan's 2022 Homecoming. -  Sports Editor / Brianna Mac Kay

Students & Tiaras: SUP Hosts “The Princess Diaries” Movie Event

Berry Andres October 19, 2022

During a week filled with fun activities and homecoming celebrations, Rowan students have plenty of events that they can choose to attend. Sitting somewhere in between the fast-paced nature of Push Cart...

Rowan hopes to go back to in-person events and activities soon. - File Photo

Struggles Student Journalists Face While Reporting on Rowan Events and Activities

Mohammed Fuad October 7, 2020

For the past month, Rowan events, classes and internships have moved to virtual except for a few outliers. Even homecoming, which is usually a week for Rowan students, faculty and alumni to gather around...

Two students pose with their newly-created balloon creatures and the balloon artist who made them. This was just one of the various activities for students and alumni at the homecoming Harvest Festival. - Multimedia Editor / Dyone Payne

RAH hosts “Out of this world” homecoming Harvest Festival for students and alumni

Alyssa Torres October 15, 2019

On Friday, RAH hosted their annual Homecoming Harvest Festival at Hollybush Green, where students got an out of this world experience. This year’s theme for homecoming was “Out of this World,”...

The Homecoming Battleship competition draws many students to the Rec Center pool. The competition involved dumping water into other teams' kayaks to try to sink them. - Contributor / Rebecca Fox

Battleship event brings students together to compete in homecoming as teams

Rebecca Fox October 15, 2019

Student organizations at Rowan University participated in a homecoming event known as the Battleship competition on Wednesday, Oct. 9.  During the week of homecoming, students are encouraged to...

Homecoming teams get the chance to express their creativity in the Banner Competition. Whitney Center residents and RAs let their creativity shine through in their banner design. - Contributor / Kristin Guglietti

“Out of this World” banner competition displays the creativity of Rowan students

Kristin Guglietti October 9, 2019

Shake, shake, shake, psssss. Shake, shake, pssss. The air outside the student center patio smells strongly of paint as students decorate their team banners for homecoming. This year’s theme “Out...

Alien Laser Tag took place on Friday, Sept. 20, at Robinson Circle. - Editor-in-Chief / Tara Lonsdorf

PHOTOSTORY: Alien Laser Tag pop-up event held on “Storm Area 51 Day” to build Homecoming week enthusiasm

Tara Lonsdorf September 20, 2019

Students wait to enter the event. - Editor-in-Chief / Tara Lonsdorf- Editor-in-Chief / Tara Lonsdorf- Editor-in-Chief / Tara Lonsdorf- Editor-in-Chief / Tara Lonsdorf- Editor-in-Chief / Tara Lonsdorf-...

-Courtesy of

Homecoming goes Hollywood at this year’s block party

Kalie VanDewater October 22, 2018

The annual RAH Homecoming Block Party spanned Rowan’s Hollybush Green, where attendees experienced an evening of Hollywood glam. Following the Hollywood theme, Improfs, Rowan’s improv group, spent...

Rowan Homecoming includes the CANstruction competition where groups can come out and build a structure out of cans for a prize. -Contributor/Peter Planamente

Homecoming competitors stack canned goods for The Shop

Peter Planamente October 19, 2018

Homecoming week continued into its third day with a friendly competition on the back patio of the Chamberlain Student Center. Groups of fraternities and friends got together for the CANstruction Competition...

Students participate in the annual Homecoming Banner Competition. Staff Writer / Lindsey D’Ambrosio

Homecoming 2018 Annual Banner Competition

Lindsey D’Ambrosio October 17, 2018

To kick of Homecoming week, students gathered together in the pit of the Student Center to compete in a longstanding homecoming tradition here at Rowan University. Teams that signed up ahead of time created...

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