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The Whit

The Whit

The Whit

"What was once only the stressors of an ending semester, added are anxieties of what to wear and who to invite for graduation, wondering when you will have time for pictures on top of final assignments, and navigating where you’re going to go next." - Graphic / Yaz Shaughnessy

Michaels: A farewell with acknowledgment to lessons learned throughout college

Sylent Lee Michaels April 24, 2024

The end of a semester is often stressful and comes up quickly. Every semester for 100 years, students at Rowan University work tirelessly to finalize assignments, complete club commitments, and study...

This graphic was published in The Whit on April 24, 1969. - Photo via The Whit Archives

Breaking News: SGA decreases The Whit’s budget by 35% while other clubs see increases up to 900%

Editor's Note: This article has been updated to clarify that The Whit is an institutionalized organization, which means its budget can be rolled over each year. On Saturday, April 20, the Student...

"When adults would ask me what I want to be when I grow up, I would chirp happily, “a journalist!” They would look at me puzzled..." - Photo via Paige Britt

Britt: Having passion for a job that’s misunderstood to be dying, it’s simply changing

Paige Britt April 3, 2024

For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to be a journalist. I’ve had a lifelong love of writing, and when I learned what journalism was, something just clicked. The allure of chasing the news and...

Whit staff meets at High Grounds for a study session. - Photo via Rianna Moses

Moses: The life of a student journalist at Rowan

Rianna Moses March 20, 2024

Growing up, there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to be a part of the journalism world. I had my heart set on it since all my interests, which include writing, photography, and traveling, were obnoxiously...

Trymaine Lee, Alicia Monroe and Michael Nash discuss race and economics during the 19th Annual Rosa Parks Scholarship Luncheon. - Managing Editor / Abigail Twiford

MSNBC correspondent Trymaine Lee returns for 19th Annual Rosa Parks Scholarship Luncheon

Abigail Twiford February 29, 2024

The 19th Annual Rosa Parks Scholarship Luncheon was held on Feb. 27 with keynote speaker Trymaine Lee. While at Rowan, he wrote for The Whit and was active in the Black Student Union.  The theme...

Robinson is passionate about using words to fight prejudice and promote mental well-being. - Photo via Asiya Robinson.

Crafting change through words: Asiya Robinson’s writing, advocacy, and future aspirations

Leah Thorpe January 24, 2024

Life doesn’t always go as planned. For many people, their journeys lead them down unexpected, but exciting and rewarding paths. Asiya Robinson, a senior writing arts major at Rowan with a double minor...

Whit Editor in Chief Victoria McGivern throws up piece signs in the Eynon Ballroom. - Staff Photographer / Josh Ayers

Flicks from CCCA 2023 Showcase & Recognition Day

Drew Peltzman May 2, 2023

On Saturday, April 29, Rowan University's Edelman College for Communication and Creative Arts held their 2023 Showcase & Recognition day to honor students in the department for their dedication and...

Michael Koretzky, Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) member, stands next to Michaels at an SPJ conference. Michaels is wearing his hand-painted Libel suit jacket. - Copy Editor / Sylent Lee Michaels

Michaels: Journalism is not dead, just misunderstood

Sylent Lee Michaels March 29, 2023

“Journalism is dying.” Or so I have been told.  But that will only happen if we as people, readers and writers alike allow it to happen. It isn’t dying at all actually, but ever evolving...

Pala grapples with objectivity in journalism. - Arts and Entertainment Editor / Chelsea Valcourt

Pala: Objectivity is a myth

Nigel Pala March 8, 2023

All traditional journalists are misguided. The essence of the journalistic curriculum at the collegiate level is heavily based on an ideal that parallels the aspirational state of a clean slate. That...

Michaels discusses the value of taking a new job opportuinity through her work in childcare. - Photo / Pixabay

Michaels: Children teach you patience — and how to take risks

Sylent Lee Michaels March 8, 2023

Last summer, I took a chance to try something new. Now I want to share this story, my experience and the lessons I have learned. Although my passion is journalism when it comes to a career, my heart...

Valcourt discusses the long-held beliefs of objectivity in journalism and how it could be a detriment to reporters. - A&E Editor / Chelsea Valcourt

Valcourt: Grappling with objectivity in journalism

Chelsea Valcourt November 16, 2022

Lately, I’ve been grappling with the theme of objectivity in journalism. In most instances, as the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Code of Ethics states, a fair and ethical journalist should...

South Jersey Climate News' social media logo. -Photo / Mark Berkey-Gerard.

Rowan Journalism Department Receives $40K Grant Towards Reporting South Jersey Climate Change

Bryant Lopez October 26, 2022

Editor's note: This story was revised 10/27 for clarity Rowan's Journalism Department announced they will receive $40,000 from the New Jersey Civic Information Consortium on Thursday, Oct. 13. Professors...

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