On Friday, Sept. 27, the Glassboro basement music venue “The Speakeasy,” hosted its second official show of the semester. The lineup featured LVNA, Hue Hinton, Bristoltooth, and Spud Mack. By technicality...
On Oct. 19, students in the Touring and Concert Promotion class organized “Holly-ween,” which took place at Prof’s Place inside the Student Center. It was a night filled with music, costumes, food,...
On Thursday, Feb. 23, Rowan After Hours (RAH) presented their live wrestling event “wRAHstlemania” at the Chamberlain Student Center for all Rowan students to watch for free. The event was held in...
Welcome to the first installment of “Feedback,” a column about music. The summer is giving way to fall, but the memories of the live music I experienced these last few months still linger. Attending...
Writing music involves both the methodical process of arranging sounds and the emotional act of self-expression. These two approaches seem separate in philosophy, but in practice, they are reliant upon...
As most Rowan students know, the campus becomes quite empty on weekends. For most students, there aren’t too many options for how to spend your time, other than going to a party or hanging out in your...