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"In a world where heteronormativity persists, individuals often resort to unhealthy coping mechanisms to grapple with repressed sexuality and associated traumas." - Photo via Adobe Stock.

Harmon: Love, loneliness, & liberation; heteronormativity and homophobia in gay culture

Al Harmon January 24, 2024

I lost my virginity late one chilly autumn night during my sophomore year of college. It wasn't particularly noteworthy, I won't go into too much detail. It transpired as many other gay men might have...

"Some men have made claims that Barbie is an 'anti-man' or 'man-hating' film that dehumanizes or even 'emasculates' its male characters, particularly Gosling's character Ken. - Graphics Editor / Julia Quennessen

Harmon: How “Barbie” can teach its male viewers that they are “Kenough”

Al Harmon September 14, 2023

We dressed in pink during the month of July. When the "Barbie" movie eventually opened in theaters on July 21st, women and girls all around the country swept the internet and theaters by storm. It was...

Drive-by hecklers a problem for female students

Amanda Palma March 8, 2017

Besides the unlucky streaks of minor stupidity and misfortunes my roommate and I deal with on a day-to-day basis, we both agree that our worst encounters have been with men.  We have had our fair share...

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