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The Assistant Vice President of the Department of Public Safety, Mike Kantner. - Photo / Rowan University

Mike Kantner hosts Zoom with students over public safety conversation

Connor Brown March 1, 2023

Since the start of 2023, there have been 93 mass shootings in the U.S. according to the Gun Violence Archive (GVA), on the path to either equal or exceed 2022’s number of 647. While there is a wavering...

Michaels discusses the controversies surrounding gun control. - Photo / Unsplash

Michaels: Gun violence in 2023

Sylent Lee Michaels February 16, 2023

Within the first three weeks of this new year, there were 39 mass shootings throughout the United States.  We are now a month and a half into the year, and the states have seen 71 mass shootings...

Three years ago, the American Jewish community came under attack when a gunman slew 11 worshippers at the Tree of Life Synagogue. Today, The Whit stands in solidarity with Jewish communities everywhere. Photo via Multimedia Editor/Alex Rossen

Editorial: On the Third Anniversary of the Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting, We Stand With our Jewish Communities

The Whit Staff October 27, 2021

On Saturday, Oct. 27, 2018, a synagogue located about five hours from Rowan University became the site of yet another mass shooting. The victims were Joyce Fienberg, Richard Gottfried, Rose Mallinger,...

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Yobb: It’s okay to disagree over gun rights

Chris Yobb April 3, 2018

After the horrific Parkland school shooting in Florida, a handful of the students who attend the high school were put into the limelight to voice their opinions on the Second Amendment. Since then, a few...

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Lutz: Gun control in America

Kyle Lutz February 27, 2018

In this year alone, there have been 18 school shootings and at one point there was an average of three per week. Going all the way back to the ‘70s, a total of 3,652 days in that time span, there were...

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Leady: Stop joking about it

Jaryd Leady February 20, 2018

In the wake of the school shooting in Florida that killed 17 students, teachers and administrators, there has been an increase in shooting threats. A lot of teens and students took to their social media...

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Yobb: We have to start the discussion now

Chris Yobb February 19, 2018

The country just experienced another mass shooting that took the lives of innocent people. We have seen this time and time again yet, there is still no change. We as a society have grown numb to atrocities...

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Editorial: Have we become numb?

The Whit Staff February 14, 2018

We’re becoming numb to mass shootings. Day by day, they continue to happen. Feb. 14 in Parkland, Florida. A Kentucky school on Jan. 28.  According to Everytown for Gun Safety, a gun control group, more...

Murdoch: We really should be striving for unity -Photo from Creative Commons

Murdoch: Tensions are rising

Craig Murdoch November 8, 2017

This is a weekly installment of Craig Murdoch's column series, "Dazed and Crazed." Tensions are high in America. We just had the deadliest mass shooting in American history in Las Vegas. Then two more...

Grilli: Wait before politicizing a tragedy -Photo from

Grilli: Policy discussion should wait after mass attacks

Louis Grilli November 8, 2017

In the aftermath of the heinous New York City truck attack last week, President Trump came under a fair bit of heat for some comments he made regarding a certain immigration lottery program that allowed...

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Editorial: Media’s coverage of shootings might not always be moral

The Whit Staff October 11, 2017

Don't pander to the media. In the early morning of Oct. 2, Americans awoke to the news that there was a mass shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada the night prior. News outlets immediately reported the story...

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mass shootings