Known for his striking visuals and for exploring themes like grief or AI in previous films like Annihilation or Ex-Machina, Alex Garland has decided to tackle American Culture in his latest historical-fiction...
The second installment of the franchise, “Dune: Part Two” brings the second half of Frank Herbert’s iconic 1965 sci-fi novel “Dune” to life, a book that has long been considered the epitome...
Zion Cruz is a 21-year-old junior majoring in sports communication and media (Sports CaM) with a concentration in radio, television, and film (RTF). Cruz does a lot of different things regarding his content....
Live at the Campbell Library is the newest recording booth open to all students, faculty, and staff at Rowan University. The booth opened on Jan. 23 and is located on the second floor of the university’s...
Marc Jackson was born and raised in North Philadelphia in a home without heat and running water. It wasn’t until he was 15 that he realized that someone could make a living by playing basketball. A...
A mysterious new hashtag has taken over Edleman College of Communication & Creative Arts (ECCCA). The “#TaggingTweedie” challenge tasked students with posting pictures with the dean of the college,...
Too often have I heard the phrases, “well, if you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em,” or “oh, great. Now you can lie for a living too,” in regards to my pursuit of a degree in journalism. As an unsure...
The minefield of discourse grows more treacherous by the day. With the fierce and ongoing conflict in nearly every sphere of public life, people are more divided than ever by their beliefs with regard...
Every journalist began their media journey somewhere. Some found their way into the business by chance, others spent years preparing from the very spot our staff currently remains: behind the walls of...
On April 7, the Women’s & Gender Studies program, the Music Department, the Radio, Television and Film (RTF) Department, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, the College of Performing...
The best way to grow professionally is to speak with those who already have the career accomplishments and real-world experience that you are working toward.
Nineteen students majoring in radio, television...
I was never a big fan of getting the news by watching on TV.
Usually, my preference is to read an article online or in the newspaper in order to stay informed about day to day events, which is why...