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The Whit

"The discussion kicked off with an ice breaker that asked the men in attendance to share the last time they truly felt at peace and some insight into what was going on." - Staff Writer / Michael Bautista

Men of Color Alliance hold event to destigmatize men’s mental health conversations

Michael Bautista, Staff Writer February 25, 2025

Over 30 men of diverse and ethnic backgrounds sat in a half-circle on Tuesday, Feb. 18, at the Men of Color Alliance’s (MOCA) Men’s Mental Health Discussion. With steady voices, they let their guard...

Rowan Academic Advising and Career Services staff pose for a photo at their table in Eynon Ballroom. - Contributor / Jamie Georges

The Wellness Center promotes mental health resources at Fresh Check Day

Jacqueline Suglia, Contributor October 16, 2024

Located in the Chamberlain Student Center’s Eynon Ballroom and decorated with vibrant colors and inviting tables with endless activities, Fresh Check Day 2024 attracted a variety of staff and students,...

World Mental Health Day Speaker Dr. Charryse Johnson spoke to students about mental health in the Eynon Ballroom about what it means to be well. - Contributor / Grace Reed

Dr. Charryse Johnson visits Rowan for World Mental Health Day

Grace Reed October 18, 2023

In observance of World Mental Health Day on Tuesday, Oct. 10, Rowan’s Women’s Alliance Network (WAN), hosted a speaking event and book signing with Dr. Charryse Johnson. Johnson is a North Carolina-based...

Professors' mental health is just as important as their students and should be taken just as seriously. - Graphics Editor / Julia Quennessen

Harmon: The importance of professor and faculty mental health

Al Harmon September 27, 2023

The mental health of professors and other faculty members is an important but sometimes disregarded part of higher education. The next generations' minds are being molded by these instructors, who form...

The Nutrition Care Club e-board and Rowan Gourmet Dining at the Project Persevere event. - Staff Writer / Maryela Gallardo

Project Persevere provides mental health awareness as finals approach

Maryela Gallardo April 12, 2023

With finals season ready to commence in just a few weeks, students’ mental health has become the main focus on campus. In order to create a more accessible environment for students who want to better...

Students work through various magazine clippings to include in their vision boards. - Intern / Bryant Lopez

SJICR hosts “Self-Care” social in recognition of International Women’s Day

Bryant Lopez March 8, 2023

In celebration of International Women’s Day, the Office of Social Justice, Inclusion, and Conflict Resolution (SJICR) held a self-care social. The event, which was held on March 6 from 3 p.m. to...

The suicide hotline is 988. Graphic / Chelsea Valcourt

Rowan University faces fifth student suicide in four years

Abigail Twiford January 26, 2023

On Thursday, Dec. 29, 2022, Brian O. Blazek, a Rowan University student and computer science major, passed away unexpectedly during winter break due to suicide. This marks the fifth suicide in four years...

This is the fifth suicide the Rowan community has faced in four years. - Photo / Amanda Palma

EDITORIAL: A student died — and Rowan said nothing

The Whit Staff January 26, 2023

According to the University of Connecticut, nearly 1,100 suicides will occur on college campuses across the United States in a given year. Unfortunately, Rowan University is not exempt from this staggering...

An increasing number of people have identified as nonbinary in recent years and the LGBTQ community has become more recognized as a result. - Photo /

Rowan PRISM, Active Minds host dual meeting for mental health in the LGBTQ+ community

Jennifer McGraw November 30, 2022

Rowan University clubs PRISM and Active Minds held a dual meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 22, to talk about LGBTQ+ mental health advocacy.  The collaboration came after the devastating mass shooting...

2022 Student Mental Health Conference hosted by Healthy Campus Initiatives. - Features Editor / Drew Peltzman.

Healthy Campus Initiatives hosts 2022 Student Mental Health Conference

Drew Peltzman November 16, 2022

Healthy Campus Initiatives (HCI) hosted its fifth annual Student Mental Health Conference on Tuesday, Nov. 15, to bring awareness and advocate techniques to combat mental health issues at Rowan.  Six...

Consensuality Workshop flyer featuring the two guest speakers. - Photo / Rowan University

Rowan Consensuality Workshop canceled due to low attendance

Abigail Twiford November 2, 2022

On Thursday, Oct. 27, in the Pfleeger Concert Hall, the Office of Student Equity and Compliance in collaboration with the Wellness Center, planned a Consensuality Workshop for students in honor of Domestic...

The student-run support group "SASS" is held weekly at the Wellness Center - File photo via Amanda Palma

Wellness Center Hosts Weekly Student Support Groups

Victoria McGivern December 1, 2021

Life is a waltz of highs and lows, a waltz we often have trouble dancing to. Time to time, individuals become overwhelmed with the flood of what life has to offer.  College is another one of those...

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