The Rowan Theater Department’s spring mainstage musical for 2024 was the 1993 Broadway classic “Rent.” The rock musical is inspired by the opera “La Boheme,” and centers around a group of eight...
Twenty years after the debut of the iconic teen comedy Mean Girls, where “The Plastics” graced our television screens and encapsulated us in the early 2000s fashion era, the beloved characters are...
Last weekend, the Department of Theatre & Dance performed a rendition of the musical "Head Over Heels." Christopher Roche, an associate professor in the Department of Theatre and Dance, directed the...
Rowan University College of Performing Arts has always had the reputation of being an excellent pathway into the entertainment arts. Students are given first-hand experience with the arts through acting,...
College years are about discovering who you are and what matters to you by trying new things, taking risks and giving things your best shot — even when it’s intimidating and uncomfortable.
Rowan’s College of Performing Arts will host a virtual concert featuring "Hamilton" star, Grammy winner and Tony nominee Phillipa Soo, on Friday, April 16 at 8 p.m.
The concert is a part of the...