"Beef," a Netflix series created by Lee Sung Jin, is a show that’s more sophisticated than I had expected. The story follows Danny Cho (Steven Yeun) and Ami Lau (Ali Wong), two Asian-American California...
If you have been looking for the skinny on pop culture, look no further. Rowan students have introduced new arts and entertainment magazine, Halftone, that is meant to give a unique perspective and voice...
Dearest kind reader, if any author shall divulge in the newest season of Bridgerton… it is I.
I have always been invested in the “Bridgerton” series, but I am completely and utterly obsessed...
Divided into three separate stories, “The House” is a complex stop-motion film that displays some profound psychological concepts with hidden messages throughout. Directed by Niki Londroth, Von Bahr,...
February is here and with it comes the most controversial holiday of all. Some people find it romantic while others find it overrated. Regardless of which side you’re on, it’s impossible to deny that...
The weather outside may be frightful, but the holiday movies are delightful. Take time to de-stress from finals, slip into the Christmas spirit and sip on some hot chocolate while enjoying these festive...
Season three of the Netflix hit series, "You" premiered Friday, Oct. 15, starring Penn Badgley and Victoria Pedretti playing Joe Goldberg and Love Quinn.
The main characters return, with Joe...
“The Forgotten Battle,” a Dutch film directed by Matthijs van Heijningen Jr., was released in October and has peaked at number one on the public Netflix ranking system.
The director of this...
The film works as a medium for us to use as a form of escape, allowing us to drift off into a world different from our own, so that we may have a brief reprieve from our normal lives. Stories that detail...
On Oct. 5, 2021, Netflix released “The Closer,” a 72-minute special by comedy legend Dave Chappelle. This special would close out Chappelle’s portfolio of work on the streaming service, as...
Spoiler Alert: For those who have not yet seen the show, this article contains spoilers.
By now, the internet has exploded with a standing ovation for the most popular Netflix series show to date....
We are almost halfway through October and with only a couple more weeks until Halloween, it’s time to get to business and start watching all the Halloween hits. So turn off the lights, grab the popcorn...