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The Whit

The Whit

The Whit

Rowan's Early Childhood Demonstration Center, which instructs kindergarden, will teach media literacy. - Photo / Rowan University

NJ passes new K-12 Media Literacy Requirement

Abigail Twiford January 26, 2023

The state of New Jersey passed legislation that will require K-12 students to be educated on the subject of media literacy. Governor Phil Murphy signed the legislation into law on Jan. 4 of this year,...

The Whit's editorial staff will now have the option to receive internship credit starting in the fall semester. This is a direct result of a recently published editorial about Whit compensation. - Editor-in-Chief / Kalie VanDewater

The Whit Will Offer Internship Credit to Editors

Kalie VanDewater March 23, 2021

A decision to give Whit editors internship credit for their work on the paper was finalized this week by faculty of the Ric Edelman College of Communication and Creative Arts (CCCA) and the Office of...

Dianne Garyantes teaches journalism at Rowan. She, along with other faculty and Rowan students, reflected on the impact COVID-19 had on classes during the fall semester of 2020. - Multimedia Editor / Joel Vazquez-Juarbe

VIDEO: Rowan community reflects on fall 2020 semester

Joel Vazquez-Juarbe January 22, 2021

As we begin the spring semester, Rowan faculty and students reflect on their experiences during the fall semester, including the challenges and benefits of virtual classes. For...

Features editor Mohammed Fuad gives us an honest perspective of how much magazine article writing reignited his passion for journalism - Photo via

I Almost Gave Up on Journalism Until I Took This Class

Mohammed Fuad September 30, 2020

When I came to Rowan, I had aspirations of being either a sportswriter or a sports broadcaster. Thanks to an override from Mark Berkey-Gerard during transfer orientation in 2018, I was able to enroll...

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Nick DiUlio