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The Whit

"Come for the food, Stay for the vibes!" - Photo via @rowansjicr on Instagram

Office of SJICR and MOCA collaborate for “Soul Food Sunday” event

Al Harmon March 1, 2023

On the evening of Feb. 26, the Chamberlain Student Center was filled with the delicious aroma of soul food as students from all backgrounds came together to celebrate African-American culture through...

The Office of Social Justice, Inclusion, and Conflict Resolution hosted an event discussing  inclusivity in everyday language. They emphasized the importance of taking responsibility for mistakes like using the wrong pronouns. - Editor-in-Chief / Kalie VanDewater

Re-Imagining Social Justice Series – Language Matters: The Power of Words

Christine Harkinson October 28, 2020

Language, as a form of communication, is often overlooked or taken for granted. Have we ever stopped to think about how much power our words hold? We may fail to realize that the way we speak with one...

Speak and Eat Conversation Series treated students to pizza at the first speak and eat event of the semester. -Staff/Photo Jaryd Leady

First Speak and Eat of semester talks sex, drugs and college

Jaryd Leady September 13, 2017

Sex, drugs, pizza and soda; all had an important part to play in the first Speak and Eat Conversation Series of the semester. The Speak and Eat Conversation Series is a monthly meeting in which students...

RU-MAN meets to discuss patriarchy and sexual violence

Joseph Gramigna March 26, 2017

Rowan University Men’s Action Network (RU-MAN) met this past week to discuss the patriarchy and physical and sexual violence toward women in anticipation of the upcoming Sexual Violence Prevention Week. The...

Dining for Diversity discusses last year’s election on International Women’s Day

Matt Kass March 12, 2017

The Office of Social Justice, Inclusion, and Conflict Resolution (SJICR) held another meeting in its Dining for Diversity series last Wednesday to look at the relationship between gender and politics. Timed...

Rowan production of ‘The Vagina Monologues’ sheds light on gender issues

Ellie Leick March 6, 2017

Last week, the Student Center Ballroom served as a space for people to share stories of something often not discussed: vaginas. “The Vagina Monologues,” a show originally written and performed by...

Rowan students discuss history of fat shaming at social justice event

Joseph Gramigna March 1, 2017

The Office of Social Justice, Inclusion and Conflict Resolution (SJICR) held a talk on fat shaming this week titled “Fat(ness) in American Culture- Responses to Fat Shaming.”   Assistant Director...

Dining For Diversity seeks to teach students about categorizing sexuality

Eric Conklin February 27, 2017

The smell of chicken tenders welcomed Rowan students interested in discussing Sexuality and Categorization last Wednesday at the Owl’s Nest in the Chamberlain Student Center. The "Dining for Diversity"...

Rowan AWARE meets to discuss how white people can help end racism

Andrew Turco February 18, 2017

In the wake of President Donald Trump's new immigration ban, Rowan AWARE: Alliance of Whites Aspiring Toward Racial Equity held its first meeting of the semester for students to engage in a discussion...

First ‘Speak and Eat’ conversation of semester tackles micro-aggressions

Andrew Turco February 14, 2017

The Dr. Harley E. Flack Student Mentoring Program held the first "Speak and Eat" Conversation of the semester in James Hall, discussing micro-aggression with students from all ethnicities and genders. Participating...

Sonny Singh speaks at diversity week, talks about religion and oppression

Ashleigh Albert November 30, 2016

As part of religious diversity celebration week, guest speaker Sonny Singh guided Rowan University students in a discussion that confronted Ethno-religious oppression. The event, "Confronting Ethno-Religious...

Speak and Eat turns sex talk into fun and games

Brian McHugh November 13, 2016

Sex was the topic of discussion in James Hall last Wednesday at this month’s Speak & Eat event. The dinner and subsequent talk was organized by the Office of Social Justice, Inclusion and Conflict...

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Office of Social Justice Inclusion and Conflict Resolution