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Image of the Edelman Fossil Park Museum - Photo via the Edelman Fossil Park & Museum of Rowan University's Instagram

Edelman Fossil Park and Museum opening in March 2025

Ryan Schaller, Staff Writer November 20, 2024

Rowan University has been known by students to provide a variety of awe-inspiring experiences from the Edelman Planetarium to the opening of Discovery Hall. One such important event that the university...

Kenneth Lacovara unboxes Dreadnoughtus dinosaur toy. - Photo / Kenneth Lacovara's Youtube video

Rowan paleontologist Kenneth Lacovara previews Mattel model of dinosaur he discovered

Daniela Garofalo November 30, 2022 Paleontologist Kenneth Lacovara Ph.D. at Rowan’s School of Earth & Environment unboxed a Mattel model of Dreadnoughtus dinosaur that he discovered himself.  Lacovara...

Chad Bruner, Chairman of the Board of Trustees (far right), President, Dr. Ali Houshmand (next), Dean of the School of Earth and Environment, Dr. Kenneth Lacovara (next), Dean of Science and Mathematics, Dr. Vojislava Pophristic (far left) get ready to cut the ribbon at Discovery Hall. - Multimedia Editor / Alex Rossen

Ribbon Cutting Symbolizes Official Opening of Discovery Hall

Natalie Arch September 15, 2021

Discovery Hall hosted their ribbon cutting on Sept. 14, at 10 a.m. The 1st floor flooded with attendees excited to witness the official opening of The university’s $46.7 million dollar building.  When...

Dr. Kristyn Voegele and a student prepare to plaster jacket a Triceratops frill. Voegele is a professor of geology in Rowan's School of Earth and Environment. - Photo courtesy of Dr. Kristyn Voegele

Dinos and Ice Hockey: The Paleontologist Whose Childhood Dream Came True

Kalie VanDewater April 20, 2021

Dr. Kristyn Voegele, an assistant professor of geology at Rowan University, resides in a temporary office space in engineers’ Rowan Hall. A promotional handout for the geology department is just above...

The Edelman Fossil Park displayed fossils at last year's 8th annual community dig day. Dr. Lacovara, the founding dean of Rowan's School of Earth and Environment, showed fossils during a virtual Dinos at Dinnertime event. - Managing Editor / Tara Lonsdorf

Dinos at Dinnertime: A Continued Look Inside Rowan’s Paleo Lab with Dr. Kenneth Lacovara

Christine Harkinson October 7, 2020

Paleontologist Dr. Kenneth Lacovara gave a second behind-the-scenes look at the fossils stored in Rowan’s paleontology lab. On Sept. 25, Lacovara was able to show fossils dating back 65 million years....

Discovery Hall will be the site for the School of Earth and Environment at Rowan University. - Multimedia Editor / Alexander Rossen

A virtual look inside Rowan University’s Paleo Lab with Dr. Kenneth Lacovara

Christine Harkinson September 30, 2020

This winter, construction on a museum at the Jean and Ric Edelman Fossil Park will be started, with hopes to complete it by spring of 2023. This museum will not only contain fossils discovered at the...

Volunteers excavate fossils during the Edelman Fossil Park's 8th Annual Community Dig Day in Sept., 2019. These volunteers were looking for fossilized clams, oysters, teeth, burrows, bones and other remnants of past life. - Editor-in-Chief / Tara Lonsdorf

Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about the Jean and Ric Edelman Fossil Park

Tara Lonsdorf February 25, 2020

Can you find dinosaurs in the Jean and Ric Edelman Fossil Park at Rowan University? Why is the sand green? How old are the fossils in there? How do you gain access to digging for fossils in there? And...

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