In the heart of campus life at an undisclosed university, two college girls, Madhavi Steinert a music industry major, and Bianca Ragusa an RTF major, have embarked on an innovative journey by establishing...
Here at Rowan University, there are no limits held to the possibilities within the route you plan on going for your future, whether it’s in engineering, sports broadcasting, or even music. Brian Betz...
Rhythm and music stole the show at Pfleeger Concert Hall on Saturday night. Six dance schools— locally owned by Rowan alumni— and a special performing group took the stage for its second annual Rowan...
Three Rowan University grads, Trevor Hogan, Liam Hogan, and Clavin Platt opened THEIRS, a collegiate concert venue on Sept. 8 among the Rowan University music community. Located in the trio's house, THEIRS...
Many students find that college life is difficult and unique, but for those who also identify as drag queens, the experience can be even more distinctive — or fabulous. College students that are active...
Numerous excellent alternative bands like Earth on Fire, Wall Carpets, Shark Earrings and many more call Rowan University home. Rowan has a thriving, continuously expanding alternative music scene that...
For individuals who enjoy performing, pursuing an acting career may be both tough and gratifying. The acting industry is extremely competitive and success takes a combination of skill, hard work and perseverance....
Rowan University has always boasted their ability to provide opportunities for students to share their talents both on campus and far away — Danny Vechesky was one of those students.
Vechesky, a...
The Great Dubois, the self-proclaimed, most original two-person circus show in the world, performed for the campus community at Rowan University's Rowan After Hours (RAH) event on Thursday, leaving the...
For musicians and music enthusiasts alike, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the biggest loss of our greatest pastime. Attending mass gatherings in nearby arenas, or even a local bar to witness your favorite...
While the pandemic has canceled all large gatherings, which means no concerts or live theater, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a great show virtually.
The Intro to Music Performance classes...
On the last night of February, "The Vagina Monologues" took place in Boyd Recital Hall.
The production was directed by Maddy Roberts, a senior theatre major. The play featured several monologues about...