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The Whit

The SHOP works with community partners to see large donations of necessary goods

Elena Laughton April 24, 2024

The SHOP, which stands for Students Helping Other Profs, is Rowan University’s on-campus food pantry and resource center available to students. It is located in the Rowan Boulevard Apartments, soon...

Volunteers unload produce and prepare bags of food for the drive-thru method of distribution. - Staff Writer / Morgan Reitzel

Fresh for all: Rowan University hosts food drive with Philabundance every Friday

Morgan Reitzel November 16, 2022

Philabundance is a food relief non-profit organization that has partnered with Rowan University to provide fresh produce for those in need every Friday from 10 to 11 a.m. in Parking Lot D at the corner...

Rowan's Fresh for All program gives out a variety of fruits and vegetables each week. -Photo/Joshua Carmichael

Fresh for All provides Rowan community with free produce

Joshua Carmichael September 10, 2019

On Friday morning, in the lot next to the Richard Wacker football stadium, a unique service organized by the Office of Volunteerism, Community Engagement and Commuter Services called Fresh for All was...

Rowan students and Glassboro residents volunteer and participate in the Philabundance on Friday in parking lot D. Staff Writer/Alexander Heller

Philabundance comes to Rowan

Alexander Heller October 31, 2018

Rowan students and Glassboro residents braved the bitter cold Friday, as Philabundance began its first official day to provide fresh produce for those in need. The event was met with a lot of people,...

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