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The Whit

The Whit

The Whit

"With over 300 participating schools and about 1,900 entries, it is a huge accomplishment and achievement for these Rowan University students and faculty to get recognized for their hard work and dedication to their craft." - Photo via Rowan RTF Instagram.

Rowan shines at BEA Festival: Students & Faculty recognized for media projects

Sophia Fandino March 20, 2024

On Feb. 26th, the Broadcast Education Association (BEA) announced that eight Rowan University students and one faculty member have been recognized for their media projects. Across all five projects, the...

Image by Tori Balik

Every Whit Way: Episode 9 – Concerning the mental health crisis both at Rowan University and in the US

The Whit Staff December 13, 2019

News broke on Thursday, December 5, of a Rowan student's alleged fall from the parking garage on Rowan Boulevard. The news sent shockwaves across Rowan University, in a community already reeling from...

Image by Tori Balik

Every Whit Way: Episode 8 – Climate Change (Part 2)

The Whit Staff December 6, 2019

In our second and final part of our climate change series, we sit down with associate professor and chair of the journalism department at Rowan University, Mark Berkey-Gerard. As one of the founders...

Image by Tori Balik

Every Whit Way: Episode 7 – Our Thanksgiving Special

The Whit Staff November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving is this week so it’s only appropriate that the Every Whit Way crew dive into the history of the holiday and it’s place in the American mind set. From the famous Pilgrim-Native American...

Image by Tori Balik

Every Whit Way: Episode 5 – Music makes us lose control

Gregory Scharen November 15, 2019

This week Chad sits down with the man behind Every Whit Way's music, Jayce Williams. A member of the band Sweet Pill, Jayce has been at the forefront of Glassboro's music scene since first attending Rowan...

Image by Tori Balik

Every Whit Way: Episode 4 – Politics! Politics! Politics!

The Whit Staff November 7, 2019

This week Alex sits down with the current Mayor of Gloucester Township, David Mayer, to discuss the state of local politics across the country. And later, the guys examine the current state of politics...

Route 55 -Multimedia Editor/Miguel Martinez

Podcasts that help provide personal insight

Sydney Kerelo February 12, 2019

In our age of anxiety, depression and the pressure of being the very best all the time, many people feel down and out about themselves. I know I've felt that many times in the past year, where I don't...

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