On the chilly afternoon of Nov. 9, Rowan University witnessed a significant protest and walkout organized by the Muslim Student Association (MSA). Named the "Walkout For Palestine," the event aimed to...
On Oct. 5, 2021, Netflix released “The Closer,” a 72-minute special by comedy legend Dave Chappelle. This special would close out Chappelle’s portfolio of work on the streaming service, as...
It’s very strange to me that in the present day when each of us needs to walk on eggshells, policing our speech and social media so carefully that the wrong word can see us expelled from our social...
Aden Rusfeldt, who goes by “Pastor Aden,” runs the Key of David Christian Center in Philadelphia. He has made a habit of coming to college campuses and spreading his group's message, with the clear...
Hosting what now appears to be a recurring event, anti-gay protesters positioned themselves outside of Rowan University’s Chamberlain Student Center on Tuesday, Oct. 5.
The group, from the...
For some reason, I decided to take a nap on Monday, and I’m so mad that I did, fuming, even. Because I missed it. I missed the protest.
Naturally, I checked all my social media to see what I missed....
Since the election of Donald Trump, marches and rallies have been occurring all over the country. The day after the Trump's inauguration, a march for women's rights took place in Philadelphia and across...
Students from Rowan University carried signs and chanted as they marched for women's rights in Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia.
On Saturday, more than a half million people rallied for women's rights...