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The Whit

Grant graphic. - Graphic / Yaz Shaughnessy

Dr. James Grinias receives $350K in funding from the US Army for Rowan research project

Grace Reed March 27, 2024

A Rowan research project has just received over $350,000 in funding from the U.S. Army. The project is a collaboration between Dr. James Grinias, professor of analytical chemistry, and Luna Labs, a technology...

Sometimes marijuana can bring people together. Graphics Editor / Julia Quennessen

Michaels: Why I will always advocate for marijuana

Sylent Lee Michaels April 19, 2023

April 20, 2023 is upon us. My second favorite holiday of the year (right behind Halloween)! A day to celebrate a gift from our Earth that has helped so many. A day to join together with your friends. The...

This Letter to the Editor responds to a previous article titled "Letter to the Editor: Rowan did not punish the student who spiked my drink." - Graphics Editor / Julia Quennessen

Letter to the Editor: Solidarity during Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Letter to the Editor April 12, 2023

Editor's Note: Please be aware that this article contains a realistic depiction of sexual assault and the traumas survivors face afterward. To the person behind the Rowan Alert we received late at...

"Movies in Your Mind" by Sylent Michaels. - Copy Editor / Sylent Michaels

Michaels: Living With PTSD, is it a Blessing or a Curse?

Sylent Lee Michaels October 13, 2022

The mental disorder that quietly affects many. A disorder that most see as a condition war heroes endure after coming home from battle, never stopping to think that the person sitting next to you could...

- Photo from

Mathes: Seeking a therapist

Carly Mathes February 27, 2018

When starting the search for a therapist, there are many things to consider doing before choosing the right person for you. There are things you should research, questions you should ask and information...

The end results that came to my car after going
head-on with another car at 50 miles per-hour. -Sports Editor/Jaiden Campana

Campana: How a near-death experience was the best thing to happen to me

Jaiden Campana November 20, 2017

Before I get into anything, this article isn't for people to feel sorry for me. It's more of a coping mechanism to finally come out with my story and deal with what happened on an early August morning...

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