Rowan has a vibrant and diverse music scene, but few bands capture the essence of this scene quite like Spud Mack. Comprising a whopping six talented and passionate members, Spud Mack has been making...
Three Rowan University grads, Trevor Hogan, Liam Hogan, and Clavin Platt opened THEIRS, a collegiate concert venue on Sept. 8 among the Rowan University music community. Located in the trio's house, THEIRS...
On Feb. 24, AudioSpace, a student-run musical venue, staged a basement show featuring three local bands: Robert's Basement, Mandrax, and JJAG. The event was a small, but energetic occasion that attracted...
Bob Dylan and The Beatles will always have a great influence on music, but to be frank, they get a little boring. They also aren’t the only ones to bring change to the industry. For those who are looking...