The Rowan Theater Department’s spring mainstage musical for 2024 was the 1993 Broadway classic “Rent.” The rock musical is inspired by the opera “La Boheme,” and centers around a group of eight...
Since its release on Nov. 17, 2023, “Saltburn” has quite literally broken the internet, and for good reason. Since then, the film has already been nominated for “Best Picture” at the Critics Choice...
I lost my virginity late one chilly autumn night during my sophomore year of college. It wasn't particularly noteworthy, I won't go into too much detail. It transpired as many other gay men might have...
The Rowan campus is home to a vast array of creative majors. Students with skills and talents of all kinds are able to express themselves and get degrees in the artistic fields they are passionate about.
Keith Brand, a professor in the radio, television, and film department at Rowan is working on a documentary that was just awarded a $300,000 grant from the Pew Center of Arts and Heritage. A Philadelphia...
I have been putting off reading for a while and have just now started getting through my never-ending TBR (to be read) list. But after putting it off for months, I eventually read a book that I had been...
Last weekend, the Department of Theatre & Dance performed a rendition of the musical "Head Over Heels." Christopher Roche, an associate professor in the Department of Theatre and Dance, directed the...