On Jan. 31, a film screening and discussion of “Psychology of Neo-Nazis: Another Journey by Train to Auschwitz” was hosted by Professor Jody Russell Manning, the program director for the Rowan Center...
Members of Hillel, Chabad, the Rowan Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Student Government Association, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Phi Alpha Theta, Rowan Republicans, Rowan Democrats, and the LGBTQIA+...
As one of its annual events, the Rowan Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies partnered with the Hollybush Institute, Chabad and Africana Studies to host the annual Paul B. Winkler lecture on Oct....
Thursday afternoon in Bunce Hall, as part of the Rowan Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies yearly curriculum of events, Dr. Edward Smith presented a program with a question and answer session afterward...
The Rowan Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies held its annual Holocaust remembrance ceremony last week. The event started with a small speaking portion on the Robinson circle green, where the significance...
This week, the Rowan Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies book club met to discuss a person's ability to forgive, specifically, forgiving a dying Nazi solider seeking clemency for his actions. Such...