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The Whit

The Whit

"Adopt a Family" provides an opportunity for Thanksgiving dinner to be available and accessible to food insecure families. Graphics Editor / Julia Quennessen

The SHOP’s “Adopt-a-Family” puts food on the Thanksgiving table

Sarah Shockey November 15, 2023

The Shop’s “Adopt-a-Family” program works to provide students with proper Thanksgiving meals. In the spirit of the holiday season, The SHOP, Rowan’s on-campus food pantry and resource center,...

Student volunteers prepare dinner in The Ronald Mcdonald House kitchen. - Contributor / Shane Bagot

Office of Volunteerism serves up tacos at the Ronald McDonald House

Shane Bagot October 19, 2023

On October 13, The Ronald Mcdonald house of South Jersey had volunteers from Rowan’s Office of Volunteerism come cook dinner for families staying. On the menu for the night was tacos with a choice of...

Volunteers unload produce and prepare bags of food for the drive-thru method of distribution. - Staff Writer / Morgan Reitzel

Fresh for all: Rowan University hosts food drive with Philabundance every Friday

Morgan Reitzel November 16, 2022

Philabundance is a food relief non-profit organization that has partnered with Rowan University to provide fresh produce for those in need every Friday from 10 to 11 a.m. in Parking Lot D at the corner...

Rowan University's Office of Volunteerism and Community Engagement collected enough food to feed 140 families for the Adopt A Family food drive in 2020. Photo via

Rowan Office of Volunteerism Hosts a Thanksgiving Food Drive

Abdul Barrie November 15, 2021

Rowan University's Office of Volunteerism & Community Engagement is holding an "Adopt A Family" Thanksgiving food drive. With families still struggling due to economic hardship caused by the pandemic,...

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rowan office of volunteerism and community engagement