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The Whit

The Whit

The Whit

"There’s a significant urge to feel seen, and gaining a following on a platform regardless of how big or small is conceivably one of the easiest and fastest ways to be seen by others." - Graphics Editor / Brendan Cohen

McDermott: Stop monetizing your life

Claire McDermott, Copy Editor February 19, 2025

In an age where one can become an influencer with a platform and podcast by simply saying “hawk tuah” into a microphone, it’s no surprise that it’s become regularized to document many aspects of...

"Considering the target demographic of a fundraiser, these groups should be trying to find people both sympathetic to their cause and the means to support them." - Graphics Editor / Brendan Cohen

Miller: Fundraising should exist elsewhere than the Student Center

Lily Miller, Staff Writer February 19, 2025

It feels like there is a 50/50 chance that at any point, I will run into a club, society, or student organization fundraising at the entrance of the Student Center. If I’m lucky, it might even be two,...

"Real commitment to racial equality means to educate ourselves on black history outside of just February, it means to integrate this history into curriculums all year round." - Graphics Editor / Brendan Cohen

Editorial: Learn black history every month

The Whit Staff February 19, 2025

The first week of February marked the beginning of Black History Month, a time when we reflect on the great challenges that black Americans faced throughout United States history. This particular year...

"Lengthy class lineups, internships, part-time or full-time jobs, and other commitments all clash with one another." - Graphics Editor / Brendan Cohen

Otto: The attendance policy needs an update

Christopher Otto, Staff Writer February 19, 2025

At the start of every semester, we get a syllabus for each class that states specific course guidelines, one of the constants in each syllabus being an attendance policy. For as long as I’ve been in...

"With the university offering hundreds of study abroad programs, some range from being more on the high-end spectrum, costing up to thousands of dollars, while others are marketed for less than a thousand dollars to no cost." - Graphics Editor / Brendan Cohen

Exploring education abroad at a low cost

Marchella Mazzoni, Copy Editor February 19, 2025

The International Center, offering study abroad and exchange programs throughout Rowan University, has announced that they will now be giving up to $40,000 in scholarships for study abroad students. Gokhan...

"If book bans persist, what’s to stop them from restricting what students can read more and more, even at places like Rowan?" - Staff Writer / Hayden Fugee

Fugee: It’s time to put a ban on book bans

Hayden Fugee, Staff Writer February 19, 2025

Book Bans in schools have always existed and continue to exist in today's time, and while it may seem like they come from good intentions, the lasting impact of these bans could have large consequences...

"Students diagnosed with ADHD and students who suspect they may have ADHD can come out and talk to like minded students to talk about their struggles." - Photo via ADHD Support Group on Rowan University Campus Lab

The Wellness Center offers support to students with ADHD

Katie Thorn, Productions Editor February 18, 2025

Beyond the daily stress that every college student faces, deeper issues and struggles lie. From lingering anxiety and depression to loneliness, every college student faces some struggle that goes below...

"For clarity, financial literacy is the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, including personal financial management, budgeting, and investing." - Contributor / Alexander Cruz

Rowan students talk about financial literacy

Alexander Cruz, Contributor February 12, 2025

A college education is one of the biggest investments many make as they follow their ideal path for future careers. Students are not only paying for the tuition to take the course but they are also expected...

"I've never really been interested in watching the news about immigration but when I heard about the many executive orders President Donald Trump had signed, it brought tears to my eyes." - Photo via Helen Solis

Solis: The psychological toll of immigration raids on students

Helen Solis, Contributor February 12, 2025

President Donald Trump has signed many executive orders within his first few weeks of being president. One of them being the Executive Order (EO) 14159, which means to protect the American people from...

"It is the belief of The Whit Staff that celebrating the Eagles is just as important as celebrating your own personal accomplishments, but we strongly encourage students to celebrate in a safe and responsible manner." - Photo via Rachel Sampson

Editorial: Celebrate responsibly in the City of Brotherly Love

The Whit Staff February 12, 2025

For most Rowan students, this past Sunday was full to the brim with cold beer, greasy food, and the sweet taste of victory for Eagles fans. Some even took it upon themselves to storm Broad Street in Philadelphia,...

"So are we doing too much? Maybe, but that doesn't mean we're doomed." - Photography Editor / Gavin Schweiger

Schweiger: Are we doing too much?

Gavin Schweiger, Photography Editor February 12, 2025

It's only week four? That's the question I've been asking since last week, as far as I remember.  There are fifteen weeks in the semester, and we just hit halfway to the halfway point. It's the...

"While I couldn’t throw a perfect spiral or dodge defenders, after my first trip to the Linc, I knew that I loved the game of football." - Productions Editor / Katie Thorn

Thorn: More than just a game

Katie Thorn, Productions Editor February 11, 2025

Each Sunday, my mom would tie my hair in pigtails and put my white and pink Eagles jersey on my miniature torso. Oblivious to the Sunday festivities, I would sit in disarray at the game unfolding before...

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