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Khairutdinov playing the Piano. - Photo via Виталий Хайрутдинов (Vitalii Khairutdinov) on Facebook

From Russia to Rowan: Vitalii Khairutdinov

Dan Hassall, Contributor October 2, 2024

Vitalii Khairutdinov was seven years old when he was introduced to piano. “My aunt was a music teacher,” Khairutdinov said, “and when I went to her school, I touched the keys on the piano, and...

SirMichael Cianci shakes hands with Rory Newman. - Photo / Connor Brown

RCHGHR Student Association hosts “A Critique of Realism in International Relations” panel

Connor Brown November 30, 2022

On Tuesday, Nov. 15, Rowan Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights Student Association (RCHGHR) hosted “A Critique of Realism in International Relations,” a student-led panel...

The discussion, led by Rowan University student Rory Newman, the Vice President of RCHGHR Student Association, talked about the tensions between Russia and Ukraine and background information. -Photo via

Student Led Discussion in Discovery Hall Tackles Russia and Ukraine Tensions

Mya Calderon March 9, 2022

The Rowan Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights (RCHGHR) Lecture Series hosted a student led discussion with speaker SirMichael Cianci in the Discovery Hall on March 8.  The...

Abstract graphic of soldiers involved in the Ukraine/Russia conflict through lenses of TikTok binoculars. / Photo via Sarah Grillo of

The Impact of TikTok on the Ukraine-Russia War

Chelsea Valcourt March 9, 2022

The world was shaken when the Russian government launched its first attack on the independent country of Ukraine on Feb. 24. News reporting began almost immediately as major outlets already had reporters...

Copy Editor Owen O'Brien shares his thoughts on the Russian Invasion. - Photo via

O’Brien: Vladimir Putin is Using Our Playbook– It Won’t Work for Him Either

Owen O’Brien February 28, 2022

The world-historic address delivered by Russian President Vladimir Putin, which immediately preceded the invasion of Ukraine, contained a barrage of rhetorical hail marys. The content of the speech boiled...

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visits frontline troops in the Donbas region of Ukraine in December of 2021. -Photo via Ukrainian Presidential Press Service

On the Brink: Ukraine and Russia

Nicholas Feldman January 26, 2022

As the Russian and Ukrainian militaries stare down the barrel of war, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin has placed 8,500 U.S. service members on heightened alert, ready to deploy to Europe at a moment’s...

Robert Mueller in the White House. Photo courtesy of Google Images or Wikimedia  Commons.

Reactions to Barr report on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s findings

Christopher Connors April 3, 2019

Attorney General William Barr released the principle conclusions of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s findings on Sunday, March 24. The four-page summary concluded Special Counsel Robert Mueller was...

Yobb: Trump’s latest actions show an administration willing to change

Chris Yobb April 19, 2017

This is an installment of Chris Yobb's weekly column "My Two Cents" President Trump’s changing stances on key issues have shown that he is adapting to his position as president. Throughout his campaign,...

Grilli: Kremlin is the real winner with Trump as president

Louis Grilli January 25, 2017

There are a number of traditions surrounding the office of president of the United States. Some are charming and less formal like the annual pardoning of a turkey on Thanksgiving. Others are enshrined...

Third presidential debate causes lessened faith in America for some Rowan students

Ashleigh Albert October 25, 2016

The third and final presidential debate left little room for a hopeful future for America, according to several Rowan students. On Wednesday night, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee...

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